Hi Mike.Slightly off topic: Dr. K if / when you are inclined, as a pocket fan I am sometimes tempted by the older single hinge Zeiss Victory 8x20 for its apparently tiny size and I really like the handling of single hinge VP 8x and 10x25. How does the 8x20 compare to the Curio in terms of size, overall image quality and ease of handling? For context I do own and like the Curio as well. Thanks in advance for any input.
I really prefer the single hinge design from zeiss to any two-hinge compact that I've tried. It's so much less fiddly and more natural to reach the focus knob. The single hinge design doesn't make for easy stashing, however, just because it's not an intuitive shape for an oval or rectangular shaped pocket of pouch. The shape difference is more apparent than any difference in size - I would call them equal in size, the 8x20 vp is much smaller than the 8x25, a bit smaller than the 10x25.
Comparing the older VP 8x20 to the newer curio, I prefer the build quality and material choices of the vp - some have argued that the focus knob feels cheap or fragile on the vp, but that is not my impression. The vp has a nice rubber armor that feels good and protects it from scratches. In contrast, I don't like the chunky, cold, exposed metal slab on the curio, and the ridiculous use of a thin, exceedingly cheap-feeling plastic cover on the underside of the curio's bridge (where you don't see it in ads). Neither of them sits naturally around the neck because of the location of the strap attachments, but the vp is better.
In the end the point of the bins is the view and, though I've tried to convince myself otherwise, I prefer looking through the curio. Both appear equally sharp to my eyes, with similar fov, and tests show same excellent light transmission. To me, the curio might be a smidge brighter and I feel more relaxed using it, perhaps due to the larger exit pupil or the lower magnification. These differences are slight, however, and I suspect that anyone with either would be equally happy with them, but having both you get to be picky. In my collection, if the vp came in 7x21, there would be a contest; I would have two and no curio.
Hope that helps.
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