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Swarovski prices going up 7%? (2 Viewers)

I was a kid those days and my parents had their first house built. Is costed them 7.500,00 euro and was sold not so long ago for more than a million.
Am I complaining????
You should, because it just means that the money is worth less, not that the binocular or the house is worth more.
Birding, and other nature activities,
have always been a helpful diversion for me from the stress of life.
A good pair of binoculars will be appreciated.

Well said. All of it.

Re: price hikes. Not happy about it, but for perspective, consider the luxury watch industry. More than 1 million Rolex watches, for example, are sold annually, with the even cheapest model costing far more than a pair of Swaro NLs. My Casio digital watch costs less than $50 and is as accurate as a $5k Rolex. A purchaser of a high-end watch derives satisfaction from his purchase for a variety of reasons -- and that's certainly fine. Same with alpha binoculars, but with them you get a performance boost and don't have to worry about the plethora of fakes that plague the high-end watch industry. Compared to a luxury watch, we're getting off cheap.
Fake luxury watches

Moreover, for me, my alphas keep giving back and using them provides great satisfaction on a hike or birding trip. Can't say the same thing about using my Casio watch, though it has more performance features (e.g., alarms) than a Rolex.
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