I suspect that the x56 will be too big. I bought a Meopta 15x56 yesterday and my UTC only just fitted and not on the metal pin, but the rubber strap itself after a reasonable bit of stretching. It is fine on my 10x42 Pure's.
I have ordered the size 4 Aziac tripod adapter from;
First Light Optics - Suppliers of Astronomy telescopes, binoculars and accessories from Skywatcher, Celestron, Meade, William Optics, Atik, Imaging Source, Starlight Xpress, ADM, Moonlite, Catseye, Hutech and others.
which is the correct size for the 56mm Meopta and, according to their fitting list, the SW x56 SLC's.
It gets excellent reviews and can be left on the bino's as it is low profile which is not something you could accuse the SW UTC of.