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switching to arca plates, anti-rotational pin, star test, (1 Viewer)


i've got 2 old spotters that i am using and they always come loose from their respective tripod adaptor plates,, i am switching over to all arca mounts. i've got the one spotter (zeiss diascope 85T FL) figured out with a nice inexpensive mount from amazon, i hope anyway. but that spotter has 2 anti-rotational holes in the base,, one is 4.5mm and further out is a 5mm. the thread size in bottom of scope is typical 3/8's. a lot of plates have a "video pin",,

anyone know what size a "video pin" is?

but for this spotter i think about a 60-70mm length plate would work but it seems hard to find one with a 3/8's screw and a springloaded pin that will fit tight in the hole. has anyone found a good source for such an animal on amazon? or ebay?

the other spotter (zeiss/hensoldt spotter 60) has a unique bottom plate which is rather minimal and oval shaped, about 40mm long,, also a 3/8's female but kind of shallow,,and the anti-rotate pin hole is 14mm away from it and is 4.5mm
i ordered a suriu ty-70a for it

i had been looking around for a new fancier hd spotter and all that but even used they seem to expensive so i will probably just live with these. i am going to sell one as i dont' need 2. was out trying the star test last night with vague success. looking at whichever bright star was next to the moon last night from nevada. couldn't get the halos to appear but as i blurred the focus, the circle of the star got bigger and bigger, and i could clearly see what i would guess are bubbles in the lenses. both ways for the focus, in and out.
The star near the Moon is Venus.

This is not a star and has a considerable variable size.
I'll look up current diameter and phase.

The bubbles are unlikely to be bubbles in the glass.
Glass bubbles are small and not often seen in modern lenses, although I had some Hoya lenses with hundreds of bubbles in the glass in three different focal lengths.

Hoya were not that great and their filters were not flat.
They have I think improved a lot.
I have I think some Hoya binoculars, but probably made by someone else.

Venus being very bright the bubbles may have been poor Seeing, poor atmospheric conditions.

Venus is currently 21 arcseconds diameter and 56% phase, just over half.
It is magnitude minus 4.4 and 45 degrees from the Sun, about maximum.

This is not suitable for a star test.

Thanks B. It was my first attempt, and I was just practicing for the real deal. I was in an urban area, Las Vegas, known for its Light pollution. And I did figure it was a planet. When I get back from a trip with the family in a few weeks, I will attempt the more known test with aluminum foil
I will also attempt to find my digiscope adapter so I can take some pictures
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