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Template/format for all locations (1 Viewer)

Unfortunately ... I really haven't a clue what you're talking about :gh: and the links to Wiki are in techi speak as well, so I'm completely stuck :h?:

Looking at the Belvide page I can see there's a lot of code in the Overview... but it doesn't appear to 'do' anything

Do you understand HTML? If so there's an explanation here:


which might help. Otherwise, let me know and I'll find something else.
If I've been reading the wiki article correctly, the hcard format presents sensitive information in a format that web spiders cannot pick up so you can post an e-mail address, or other information, without fear of spiders reading it.

No; nothing like that. It labels such information in a way that can easily be understood by software.

Nice idea but to implement it across the whole of Opus would be a colossal task

Not really - that's what templates are for.
I know you must have a notapad file somewhere where the latest format is there for copy paste. Couldn't you insert the content of that as the first post in this thread?

I know you must have a notapad file somewhere where the latest format is there for copy paste. Couldn't you insert the content of that as the first post in this thread?


OK Niels, what do you think of the result?

I sometimes get a message when sending an e-mail asking if I want to send in HTML or Text, but.....

OK, Briefly: HTML is the coding system in which text is "marked up" with "tags" (e.g. <p>This is a paragraph</p>) so that it can become a web page.

That system also allows for "classes" to be added to each tag, to indicate what that tag is labelling (<p class="introduction">This is a paragraph</p>).

Microformats use specific sets of classes, to mark-up certan types of data, such as addresses, events or species names, so that they can be recognised by your browser, or a search engine, as such and handled accordingly (like adding an event to your calendar, or finding a place on a map)
Thanks Delia,
just what I had in mind. I had suspected that there were more changes, but did not seems so.

Take a look at http://www.birdforum.net/opus/Syndicate.


Hi Niels I've removed the Sub tag from the Syndicate article. The Category 'Dominica' needs sorting though; the Dominica article has categories 'Lesser Antilles' and Caribbean. Can I leave you to sort that?
a notepad file somewhere where the latest format is there for copy paste. Couldn't you insert the content of that as the first post in this thread?

Any chance we could have this template automatically appear when a user creates a new location page? (The same way the species template works for a new bird page.)
OK, Briefly: HTML is the coding system in which text is "marked up" with "tags" (e.g. <p>This is a paragraph</p>) so that it can become a web page.

That system also allows for "classes" to be added to each tag, to indicate what that tag is labelling (<p class="introduction">This is a paragraph</p>).

Microformats use specific sets of classes, to mark-up certan types of data, such as addresses, events or species names, so that they can be recognised by your browser, or a search engine, as such and handled accordingly (like adding an event to your calendar, or finding a place on a map)

Sorry Andy, I missed your post earlier

mmm... I sort of got that, though it came very close to flummoxing me.

I'm still lost as to how/why this could be incorporated into Opus:h?:

I sort of got that, though it came very close to flummoxing me.

I'm still lost as to how/why this could be incorporated into Opus
Hang on in there ;-) For places, it would allow you to easily find them on whichever map service is your personal preference; and it would enable search engines to find them more easily, when people are searching for that place.
Hang on in there ;-) For places, it would allow you to easily find them on whichever map service is your personal preference; and it would enable search engines to find them more easily, when people are searching for that place.

But how could it be implemented on all location pages without application of the code on each individual page?
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