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Thayer's Gull? Santa Clara County, California, USA (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I once thought I could identify most of the gulls, at least in my home area. More recent experience has cast doubt on that. This bird I had originally identified as a Herring Gull, but the smallish bill, steepish forehead, and darkish eye make me think now it is a Thayer's Iceland Gull. The photo was taken 25 March 2011 in Palo Alto, California, USA. I would appreciate any thoughts people might have about it.


  • Gull 2011 d.jpg
    Gull 2011 d.jpg
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It looks like a Western x Glaucous-winged Gull normally referred to as an “Olympic Gull”.
In that part of the world hybrids outnumber pure birds.

Hi RKJ, you are correct in thinking that this is a most likely a Thayer's Gull.
In addition to the characters you have already mentioned, the long primary projection, the pattern on head, neck and breast, and the thin but long white 'hook' just visible on the 6th primary all point to this taxon.
I hadn’t realised that Thayer’s Gull could have such black primaries, also I failed to notice the primary projection length, so Thayer’s is the most likely candidate.👍
I hadn’t realised that Thayer’s Gull could have such black primaries, also I failed to notice the primary projection length, so Thayer’s is the most likely candidate.👍
it's the underside of the dark parts of the primaries which usually is of a dark grey, Ken.
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