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On 26 June, a BRW let me know on 9am that "hey, I am here, come check me at night" and I had the biggest happy rush across my body!!
I so so hoped he would not leave and will sing at night - HE SANG AT NIGHT! It was sadly not a very good place, I could not get very close to him, but it was a BRW who sang on 26 JUNE, I tried my best to get as close as I could! To me that's RARE as everywhere its told "BRWs stop singing beginning of June". Everything after that is a miracle to me. That was the only change as I did not hear him anymore after 27 June.
So say hello to Raadi, a surprise BRW! Thats what I call an encore mode!
Full audio:
26 June
Meet Ogi, the slowest singing BRW!
I have no idea why he sang like this, I left the recorder near him in hopes he picks up the speed. 47 minutes became max 10 minutes as this guy sang in small bursts - 2 second singing, 1 minute pause, 1 second singing - 6 minute pause until he left around 30 minutes in the audio (Saw no more sounds appeared after it). As I doubt anybody wants to listen 7 minute of silence between his tiny song parts, I shortened it a bit where only Ogi sang. What an interesting dude. I found this guy at the same night when I found Raadi. While I put recorder near Raadi, I went to check the area where lots of BRWs and MW spawned this year lol. I first did not hear anything, but as soon as I playbacked with my phone, this guy beeped. Another "one change" BRW, as I did not find this guy anymore.
10 minute audio:
27 June
BRW number 21! And this is the last BRW this season! (Sadly no more changes after this fella! one was on 2nd July, but nothing at night
This guy was a perfect end of this season, with the EPIC "Tarrniki pidepiss plö" rhythm and melodic part! God I LOVED this chunk sosososo much!!! It was in a bad location so I couldn't sneak that close (I have noticed a pattern where end of season BRWs tend to sing in unreachable areas or far away or sing not long)
Full song:
28 June
Had 1 more change given on 28 June night and I DIDN'T let it slide! I sneaked EVEN deeper into the bushes even if houses were near (I was not in anyones garden btw, it was in a nature area and thicket) And got few meters closer! And the risk was worth it! The audio sounds so much closer and the surrounding bushes and trees helped to amplify the bird even more!
Full audio:
28 June
After this I have 3 TNGs and 6 marsh Warblers to do!