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To Gamboa (1 Viewer)


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A few things seems to have changed since I was in Panama a good long while ago. How does one go Tocumen to Gamboa today?

What are current preferred lodging in Gamboa, and why?

And likewise, is Panapass a regular part of car rental today, so that one does not have to worry about whether a road is toll or not?

Best and cheapest way is to use UBER. You can pick and english speaking driver to make it better.
Taxis from the Airport will charge 50 to 60 for that ride.

In Gamboa area you can stay with Ivan B&B, Canopy B&B or the Gamboa Resort. Mateo B&B its also a good option.

Most of rental car companies include the panapass sticker in the car. You just pay the amount used at the end of the rental. One thing less to worry about.

The Corredor Norte highway is finish so now you have 2 options to go all the way to Gamboa. Handy now that the metro construction is heavy near the airport.

Have fun!
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