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Treecreeper, Cottbus, Germany (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Can anyone help with the usual treecreeper question -- Eurasian or Short-toed? Seen today. I see white wing-tips, suggesting short-toed, but it also looks like there's a notch in the wingbar, which suggests Eurasian. Where am I going wrong? :)

I don’t think you’re going wrong Henry, a great not untypical ambiguous image of one or the other?
White spotting to the primary tips and a brown tint to the flanks pro ST and the notch in the wing bar could be interpreted either way as indeed could the length of bill and hind claw.
I believe the safest way of definitive separation is probably on call only?

I don’t think you’re going wrong Henry, a great not untypical ambiguous image of one or the other?
White spotting to the primary tips and a brown tint to the flanks pro ST and the notch in the wing bar could be interpreted either way as indeed could the length of bill and hind claw.
I believe the safest way of definitive separation is probably on call only?

I'm glad I'm not the only one having trouble distinguishing them! Unfortunately this one was being quiet. I can offer some more images of the plumage and claw, in case they help (definitely the same bird):

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