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Unknown bird with red/white/black head feeding on lilac bush in Sweden (1 Viewer)


Active member
Apologies for the awful photo quality but maybe it’s better with photo than without. I saw a bird I don’t know this morning feeding on the buds of a lilac bush in my garden.

It was a small bird, with a body shape like a finch. A red face with a white halo around the neck and head and black at the back of the head. Pale brown patches against white on the body and black flashes around the tail feathers.
Not seeing or not remembering a feature doesn't mean it wasn't there. The rest of your description is bang on, the photo fits, and there's nothing else like that.
Ok, you must be right. I just didn’t see the yellow I guess. Sorry for wasting time with what should have been a simple ID. Must get my eyes checked! 😁
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