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Unknown birds from Gambia 2 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I found a folder more with a few more unidentified photos from a trip too the Gambia in February 2019. Any opinions on some of them will be a huge help, thanks. I'm trying to give me feeling about the photos under here:

Photo 1: Indigobird? I guess it has to be village, but leg colour seems odd and wrong. There is a few species indigobirds in that area, maybe it could be Wilson's?

Photo 2: Another Indigobird at same location as previous photo of a female indigobird. Crappy photo, but can we be certain that this is village or maybe Wilson's?

Photo 3: Identified as male Beaudouin's Snake Eagle, but don't know how to rule out Short-toed out completely.

Photo 4: Red-billed Firefinch? Or maybe juv bar-breasted?

Photo 5: Male and female Indigobird. I assume village, but can we be certain?

Photo 6: Absurd bad photo. I remember it as a Black-crowned Tchagra, but photo is so bad that it might as well turn out as a Brubru.

Photo 7: Difficult sunbird. Splendid perhaps?

Photo 8: It is the bottom one giving me Lesser Crested Tern feeling. The top one being a West African Crested Tern. I don't know if it's because of different wing posture making the bottom one look smaller. Or maybe the top one is closer to shore, making It look bigger. Can we be sure about the id of these 2 terns?


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@ 3: no bold pattern at all visible on body (fine barring present in Beaudouin's but invisible due to distance) and all unbarred fingers are much better for Beaudouin's
1,2,5 unidentifiable.
4 without certainty, I think dark enough for bar-breasted
6 tchagra not brubru
7 I think fem scarlet-chested
8 (both) lesser crested by thinness of bill, possibly primaries
Thanks for reply. The tern identification made me wonder, if these I identified as West African Crested Tern might not be as well. Same day same location.


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Thanks for reply. The tern identification made me wonder, if these I identified as West African Crested Tern might not be as well. Same day same location.
I think you may have a mix:

21 = lesser I think: thin bill, and back probably darker than it appears due to lighting. strong dark primary wedge
31 = possibly also. I'm less clear because we can see a fairly pronounced gonydeal angle
481 [probably], 71, 581 definitely african crested terns. Very pale uppers, indistinct primary wedge, thick bill with strong gonys

[but these 2 are more difficult than they appear at first glance so I could be wrong]
1,2,5 unidentifiable.
4 without certainty, I think dark enough for bar-breasted
6 tchagra not brubru
7 I think fem scarlet-chested
8 (both) lesser crested by thinness of bill, possibly primaries
These numbers are all messed up for me, e.g Tchagra would be 4 not six, Snake Eagle is 7 not 3, perhaps refer to the last three number on each shot? The site often muddles image order, happened to me numerous times.
These numbers are all messed up for me, e.g Tchagra would be 4 not six, Snake Eagle is 7 not 3, perhaps refer to the last three number on each shot? The site often muddles image order, happened to me numerous times.
I used the OP text, not the sequence of pictures, I agree though that a better identification of pictures are welcome
I used the OP text, not the sequence of pictures, I agree though that a better identification of pictures are welcome
Well he has 2 as an Indigobird, it's a Tern for me, 3 is a Sunbird, not a Snake Eagle, he suggests Tchagra for 6, it's 4 for me.
Order has now changed for me too. [why I've argued that people should number their photos with some simple nos to start with !]

1,2,5 unidentifiable. =221; 741; 271

4 = 941 without certainty, I think dark enough for bar-breasted

6 = 661 tchagra not brubru

7 =771 I think fem scarlet-chested

8 =501 (both) lesser crested by thinness of bill, possibly primaries
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