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Unusual bird song heard in Wales, can anyone ID? (1 Viewer)


New member
Hello everyone!
I’m trying to ID this unusual bird song I’ve heard at home in Wales, it sounds almost tropical and metallic but I can’t seem to find it’s song online anywhere.
It’s one lilting note, sometimes with a pause and sometimes in quick succession, the note goes from high to low. I’ve attached a video, there are a lot of sparrows and jackdaws in the foreground but the other bird is heard faintly. I haven't been able to spot it yet either so have no idea what it looks like!
If anyone has any suggestions I’d be grateful, it’s been bugging me for weeks now!!


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Hi Lily and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators.

Sorry, I just can't make it out to help you, but I'm sure those who are better at bird songs will be along soon.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.
Hi there and a warm welcome to you! (y)
We're glad you found us and please join in wherever you like. ;)
Hello and thank you all for your welcomes 😊
Oh, my mum suggested Jay but when I looked up their calls none sounded like it. Just so odd as I’d never heard it before last year. It almost sounds like a Golden Oriole, I thought, but only one note. I’ve now heard it in two other locations near my home! Do Jays regularly call like that or could it be them mimicking? I had no idea jays could sound like this call! Very interesting 😁
Hello and thank you all for your welcomes 😊
Oh, my mum suggested Jay but when I looked up their calls none sounded like it. Just so odd as I’d never heard it before last year. It almost sounds like a Golden Oriole, I thought, but only one note. I’ve now heard it in two other locations near my home! Do Jays regularly call like that or could it be them mimicking? I had no idea jays could sound like this call! Very interesting 😁
Jays can make very weird sounds: many early "Golden Orioles" in the Netherlands turn out to be Jays.
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