Well-known member
Today's highlights:
Glossy Ibis Missing for most of the morning and part of the afternoon but came into roost at 20.20.
Sandwich Tern Arrived around mid-day and after threatening to leave, it didn't depart until late afternoon.
Whimbrel Arrived shortly after the Sandwich Tern and gave excellent views in front of the hide. Still present at dusk.
Common Sand (2)--------------Green Sand (1)
Lapwing (12)--------------------Redshank (1) Probably the Moors bird.
Snipe (2)------------------------Avocet (39)
LRP (4)--------------------------Oystercatcher (2)
Shoveler (4)---------------------Shelduck (3)
Teal (3)--------------------------Little Egret (1)
Med Gull/B H Gull---------------Buzzard (7)
Peregrine------------------------L B B Gull (42)
Herring Gull (2)-----------------Common Gull (4). Two roosted.
Raven----------------------------Sedge Warbler (1)
Little Gull (ad) Arrived at approximately 09.20 and spent c10 minutes on islands close to the east hide before flying off.
Common Sand (1)---------------Redshank (1). See Flashes.
Lapwing (3)----------------------Oystercatcher (4)
Snipe (2)-------------------------Teal (pr)
Shoveler (9)----------------------Gadwall (6)
Tufted Duck (21)-----------------Shelduck (3)
Willow Warbler (2)---------------Cetti's Warbler (2)
Sedge Warbler (2)---------------Kestrel
Herring Gull (4)------------------Cormorant (1)
Little Grebe (4)------------------G C Grebe (2)
Water Rail (1)
Hen Pool:
Reed Warbler (1)----------------Cetti's Warbler (1)
A couple of record shots from some of today's highlights.