Phil Andrews
It's only Rock and Roller but I like it

Garden Warbler along the east track of the Moors Pool as per Des.
John - will access be possible to the education reserve for next Saturday's Spring All-Day Birdwatch (5th May)?
Has anyone noted the regular returning ringed Avocet sporting white 64 this spring?
As of this FEBRUARY we no longer have FREE FOOD.
This Facility began in 1984 at the FLASHES and was supported by donations and all proceeds from my 1984 Annual Report feeding was only during the winter period. Over the years feeding has become all year round and expanded to three areas. The Flashes feeding stopped about 3 years ago , mostly because of logistical reasons.
The ever presence of sparrowhawk was also affecting the waders.
For at least 25 years we have had the food given to us by a local Pet Food Supplier. Unfortunately that company has now changed hands and that sponsorship has now CEASED!!:-C
Although we are not sure how much it costs to maintain this Facility we estimate that it runs into hundreds of
£££'s. But rather than stop it we will try and cover the cost from the permit money that we receive from the Sailing Centre Cafe. This will obviously impact on the reserve, as all the money is spent on management which includes:- tools, petrol, strimmer servicing and repairs, tree and scrub saplings, all the new hide modifications were funded by permit money. We never go to the Trust for money so we are almost self sustaining.
So therefore we will continue funding the feeding stations and hopefully we will have enough left to maintain the reserve in its current state.
Fortunately we have generous people who visit the reserve and on Saturday I received a kind donation from a regular birder...he wishes to remain anonymous but asked me to make this plea:t:
I therefore would like to ask if anyone wants to make a contribution to the feeding fund then Paul M will gladly appreciate it ..
Hi John, Countrywide Stores (Stoke Prior & Upton) are closing down & have a big discounts sale on now, 30-50% I think. So could be a cheaper source of birdfood possibly. I did have a discount card which I left with Paul M I think as well though they may not honour that given the circumstances. Reserves looking superb with all the work! :t: