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URLs for moth and butterfly enthusiasts (2 Viewers)

Surreybirder said:

Well I'm blowed,
All those sites to go to, and you still come in here with queries as to what it is you've caught. ;)

harry eales said:
Well I'm blowed,
All those sites to go to, and you still come in here with queries as to what it is you've caught. ;)

Well, I've read all the Harry Potter books but I'm still pretty poor at spotting wizards. Wait........ Harry, garden full of herbs, spends a lot of time wandering round the moors, used to fly.......... hmmmmmmmm, I wonder???
Surreybirder said:
Well, I've read all the Harry Potter books but I'm still pretty poor at spotting wizards. Wait........ Harry, garden full of herbs, spends a lot of time wandering round the moors, used to fly.......... hmmmmmmmm, I wonder???

Droll, very Droll, Ken,
If only. lol. I wish, but unfortunately I have to things like everyone else. The hard way.

While I'm on here, if anyone is stuck for a christmas present for his mother in law, I have the ideal present.
Buy your M-in-law some new transport, I have a couple of genuine hand made besoms for sale. ;)
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