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URLs for moth and butterfly enthusiasts (4 Viewers)

UK Butterflies

Hi folks,

I run the UK Butterflies website at


The website is dedicated to UK Butterflies, like it says, but welcomes contributions (e.g. photos, videos, articles etc.). And it has a forum ;) Enjoy!


- Pete
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Surreybirder said:
Interesting that they've printed this a couple of months after everyone else!

That's the Manchester Guardian for you, even if its main offices are in Farringdon Rd these days ;)
mothman said:
BLIMEY!! It would mean divorce.(did you notice they called them butterflies,probably a translation thingy)
I think I'd have a nervous breakdown if I had a catch like that! And I imagine that field guides don't exist for that part of the world. There may well be species that are new to science.
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