Update: I've had my Nikon 82a with 38x MC for two weeks now. I also bought a new MCII zoom from Japan, it only took two days to arrive.
What a difference a spotting scope makes for certain types of birding! Last night I took a drive looking for a few prairie potholes that weren't still covered by ice. I found one with 11 swans and a group of 60 or so ducks that was a little ways off the road. With binoculars I could pick out the obvious Canvasbacks, but with a scope I could easily pick out 4 Ring Necked Ducks from a group of Lesser Scaups. I also spotted a lone Eurasian Widgeon (lifer) from the many American Widgeon that were on the pond. The scope also made it very easy to tell that the swans were Tundra Swans and not Trumpeter.
I like the 38x MC a lot, it seems a great magnification for birding. It's easy to use both with and without glasses. The zoom works at 25x with glasses, but zoom in to maybe 30x and I need to remove my glasses to get the full FOV. It is very sharp and should be useful if I need just a little bit more magnification than 38x. I notice at 75x mirage makes the image mush. I thought I would get the 30x DS right away, but now I don't think it's so neccessary as I really like the 38x.
All in all I'm very fond of the scope.