Well-known member
Well, here we go again. Last year was my first full year of birding, and what a great year. Don't really know what to expect this year, except for probably fewer lifers. Some travel planned include a couple days in March in Florida, a day in April in Cape May, and a vacation possibly in Hawaii or Alaska. Also two outings of the South Dakota Ornithological Union, in May in Sioux Falls, which has very different birds than we have in the western part of the state. Might as well set some goals. How about 325, just to beat this year's numbers, and maybe 75 lifers (that might be a little tough). I would also like to reach 240 South Dakota Birds by the end of the year. Lifers will be bold.
Started the New Year with a little drive out to the middle of the State, looking for Gyrfalcon or Snowy Owl. Didn't get either, but at least started the list off.
Jan 1 - Central South Dakota
1. Sharp-tailed Grouse
2. Ring-necked Pheasant
3. Bald Eagle
4. Horned Lark
5. Golden Eagle
6. Rough-legged Hawk
7. Lapland Longspur
8. American Tree Sparrow
9. Ferruginous Hawk
10. Northern Harrier
11. Ring-billed Gull
12. Rock Pigeon
13. Common Merganser
14. Mallard
15. Common Goldeneye
16. Western Meadowlark
17. American Kestral
Jan. 1 - Rapid City
18. American Crow
19. Canada Goose
20. Dark-eyed Junco
Jan. 2 - Backyard Birds
21. House Finch
22. Red-breasted Nuthatch
23. American Goldfinch
24. Pine Siskin
25. House Sparrow
26. Eurasian Collared-Dove
27. Black-capped Chickadee
This morning, I drove early out to Spearfish, where another Gyrfalcon had been sighted. I missed it by an hour, according to others who saw it as part of a Christmas Bird Count. Got stuck in a snowbank, and got towed out by a nice guy with a front-end loader. Then made a few stops on the way home.
Jan. 3 - Lawrence County, SD
28. European Starling
29. Wild Turkey
30. Evening Grosbeak
31. Blue Jay
Jan. 3 - Mary Hall Park, Rapid City, SD
32. American Robin
33. Northern Flicker
34. Downy Woodpecker
35. Belted Kingfisher
36. Red-tailed Hawk
Started the New Year with a little drive out to the middle of the State, looking for Gyrfalcon or Snowy Owl. Didn't get either, but at least started the list off.
Jan 1 - Central South Dakota
1. Sharp-tailed Grouse
2. Ring-necked Pheasant
3. Bald Eagle
4. Horned Lark
5. Golden Eagle
6. Rough-legged Hawk
7. Lapland Longspur
8. American Tree Sparrow
9. Ferruginous Hawk
10. Northern Harrier
11. Ring-billed Gull
12. Rock Pigeon
13. Common Merganser
14. Mallard
15. Common Goldeneye
16. Western Meadowlark
17. American Kestral
Jan. 1 - Rapid City
18. American Crow
19. Canada Goose
20. Dark-eyed Junco
Jan. 2 - Backyard Birds
21. House Finch
22. Red-breasted Nuthatch
23. American Goldfinch
24. Pine Siskin
25. House Sparrow
26. Eurasian Collared-Dove
27. Black-capped Chickadee
This morning, I drove early out to Spearfish, where another Gyrfalcon had been sighted. I missed it by an hour, according to others who saw it as part of a Christmas Bird Count. Got stuck in a snowbank, and got towed out by a nice guy with a front-end loader. Then made a few stops on the way home.
Jan. 3 - Lawrence County, SD
28. European Starling
29. Wild Turkey
30. Evening Grosbeak
31. Blue Jay
Jan. 3 - Mary Hall Park, Rapid City, SD
32. American Robin
33. Northern Flicker
34. Downy Woodpecker
35. Belted Kingfisher
36. Red-tailed Hawk
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