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Visiting Cape May (3 Viewers)


New member
United States
I will be visiting Cape May the first week of October. What is the ideal location for lodging? Are there particular hotels or Airbnbs that a birder would like? Any other advice for a first-time visitor?
I will be visiting Cape May the first week of October. What is the ideal location for lodging? Are there particular hotels or Airbnbs that a birder would like? Any other advice for a first-time visitor?
A place I’ve stayed at is the Jetty. Tell them your a birder and you might get a discount. I last stayed there in 2020 and I think the rate was $75 normally $90 but I might be mistaken. Edit: It’s a 10% discount for birders. 👍

The Jetty

It‘s a great place to watch the Sunset.

Cape May
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