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Visiting Goa in early November (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
We are looking at visiting Goa in a few weeks time can anyone advise of which town is best for a relaxing holiday( beach) but close to some birding sites Mike
Hi Mike. Visited 5 years ago. Stayed in the Senegambia Beach Hotel in the Kololi area. Hotel grounds excellent, and Bijilo Forest Park, the Casino cycle track and Kotu Creek within easy walking distance. I had a guide and we travelled a little further afield on a few occasions. Invaluable. Seven day trip and 177 species. Went on 3 family trips, which took me to different habitats, so different birds, and ticked the box for family time together.

Sorry Mike. Replied for The Gambia not Goa. Have also done Goa and stayed in Baga with 3 days in the Western Gatts mountain range in a tent with cold showers and toilets open to the elements. Brilliant.

Many people stay in the Baga area, lots of accommodation, bars, retaurants etc and not too far from many destinations.

It may be quite noisy these days though, it's a lot more developed than when I last went.
Don't think my Mrs would appreciate a tent Lee not even brave enough to ask we looked at Baga but been told its like going to Blackpool .We have booked Candolin going in 3 weeks from reading forum so any tips from area will be appreciated. Also anyone suggest a good field guide Mike
Don't think my Mrs would appreciate a tent Lee not even brave enough to ask we looked at Baga but been told its like going to Blackpool .We have booked Candolin going in 3 weeks from reading forum so any tips from area will be appreciated. Also anyone suggest a good field guide Mike

Either of these, the latter is probably better for those who've never been to this part of the World before.


Here is a link to a useful trip http://wildrossendale-birding-trip-reports.blogspot.com/p/goa.htm other useful trips on the site as well .Lloyd Fernandes is a good guide to contact , he lives in nearby Calangute, just text him he will get back to you, also provides a breakfast on the trips, would recommend the Bondla, and the Zuari river trips, is number is
+91 98221 49002. Some areas have been encroached with building work now , Baga Hill not that good now , but Arpora Woods is still worth an early morning visit even though there is a lot of building work near the Club Cabana entrance. Any more info needed just PM me.
Chandranath Hill is a good spot. We are out there from 18th Nov but staying in the south as the North has got too much for us. Lots of domestic tourists and it's now noisy/dirty. Spend as much time as you can out in the countryside - it's beautiful. Some of the beaches a way north of baga/calangute/candolim are quieter and more relaxing. We love Goa and the Goan people. I hope you fall for the place too.
Here is a link to a useful trip http://wildrossendale-birding-trip-reports.blogspot.com/p/goa.htm other useful trips on the site as well .Lloyd Fernandes is a good guide to contact , he lives in nearby Calangute, just text him he will get back to you, also provides a breakfast on the trips, would recommend the Bondla, and the Zuari river trips, is number is
+91 98221 49002. Some areas have been encroached with building work now , Baga Hill not that good now , but Arpora Woods is still worth an early morning visit even though there is a lot of building work near the Club Cabana entrance. Any more info needed just PM me.

What's happened at Baga hill?

I can second the Bondla trip, also consider staying at Backwoods camp, it's lovely and the guys are great. It was just tents when I was last there.



Zuari River, the only chance you'll have of Collared Kingfisher probably.
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What's happened at Baga hill?

I can second the Bondla trip, also consider staying at Backwoods camp, it's lovely and the guys are great. It was just tents when I was last there.



Zuari River, the only chance you'll have of Collared Kingfisher probably.

A large section on the top of Baga Hill has been cleared for development. I wouldn't say there are no birds there now, but it's a shadow of its former self and the chance of seeing something scarcer than your standard village scrub birds is much reduced.

Backwoods now have 'proper' accommodation if you don't fancy a tent. Not such how many rooms the house has got but you can have it a little more 'luxurious' if you want.

There have been no tents at Backwoods for some years now. They've all been replaced by chalets, with three or four additional rooms in the main block. When we were there in 2015 all that remained of the tents were the 'en-suite' toilets that were tacked onto the rear of each tent. This shot was taken a year later when we went back.

Hot water is still supplied in a bucket from the kitchen.


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