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Visiting Prague (1 Viewer)


United States
My husband and I will be spending four days in Prague next month. This is not a birding trip and it is our first time to visit Prague so we will be busy but I would like to fit in some birding. Since our time will be so limited and we are quite new at birding, we wondered if anyone knows of a local birder who does tours. If not, what can we do either in the city or nearby that we can reach by public transport.
Thank you for any information.
First of all welcome to BirdForum!

Secondly enjoy Prague, it is a wonderful city! I can't help with a local birder but you should be able to see quite a few birds locally. The wooded slopes of the Petrin Hill are well worth investigating (and the Strahov Monastery shouldn't be missed in my opinion). I have seen woodpeckers on Shooters Island and the Vltava is usually home to quite a lot of wildfowl.

Hi and welcome to BirdForum. Unfortunately I’ve only been to Prague a couple of times and they weren’t birding trips. Great city though. Hopefully somebody will be able to add to what Chris has said.

My husband and I will be spending four days in Prague next month. This is not a birding trip and it is our first time to visit Prague so we will be busy but I would like to fit in some birding. Since our time will be so limited and we are quite new at birding, we wondered if anyone knows of a local birder who does tours. If not, what can we do either in the city or nearby that we can reach by public transport.
Thank you for any information.
The Lobkowitz Gardens can be good birding, for example Hawfinch and Middle Spotted Woodpecker. They are about 1km SW from the western end of the Charles Bridge, quite extensive as you can see from Google Earth. Just to the north of the gardens is the Hradcany Palace.
First of all welcome to BirdForum!

Secondly enjoy Prague, it is a wonderful city! I can't help with a local birder but you should be able to see quite a few birds locally. The wooded slopes of the Petrin Hill are well worth investigating (and the Strahov Monastery shouldn't be missed in my opinion). I have seen woodpeckers on Shooters Island and the Vltava is usually home to quite a lot of wildfowl.

Thank you
The Lobkowitz Gardens can be good birding, for example Hawfinch and Middle Spotted Woodpecker. They are about 1km SW from the western end of the Charles Bridge, quite extensive as you can see from Google Earth. Just to the north of the gardens is the Hradcany Palace.
Thank you
Thank you, we are working on the sightseeing part of the schedule since we have only three days. I'll get back as soon as I have a better idea of how much time I can allow for birding. This is our first trip out of the US since we started birding so you have so many birds that are new to us.
Thank you, we are working on the sightseeing part of the schedule since we have only three days. I'll get back as soon as I have a better idea of how much time I can allow for birding. This is our first trip out of the US since we started birding so you have so many birds that are new to us.
I think in all honesty then I would concentrate on the culture side, there is so much to see in Prague, and just take the birds as they come along. You will still see plenty along the river, in the castle grounds, around Petrin etc. Enjoy the trip!

If you tell me the exact days, I can see if I can take him somewhere (for free, without guarantee of anything, I am not a guide, just a guy who likes birds and currently lives in Prague (somewhat against my will). PM me if needed.
My wife and I would enjoy meeting you and birding together if possible. We will be in Prague (From US) for 4 days September 28th.
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