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Vortex Razor HD with a Nikon D5000 (1 Viewer)


New member
Hi, this is my first post. I'm Jim for Melbourne, FL. I bought a Vortex Razor HD with hopes to digiscope with my Nikon D5000. I also bought the kit to attach my camera. I am using a Nikon 50mm f1.8 and yet to get a picture that is in focus. I switched the lens to Manual, the camera on Manual and put the infinity mark on the lens on the correct setting. I set the camera on a timer as I don't have a remote to elimate shake. I could use some advice on what to try next.


Vortex Razor HD

Jim, I'm working thru the issues with a Vortex Viper HD

Here's what I've found thus far:

1) Using the Vortex Viper's kit eyepiece I have found success using a DSLR macro lens on my Nikon D3200. The apparent reason is that the macro lens' entrance pupil lies within the front element. It's not fully sharp (yet), but it *is* in focus & acceptably sharp. The first macro lens to work well was a $19 vintage Vivitar 35-80/2.8 macro. I'm going to have to calibrate, however, its focus (infinity? somewhere else?) as well as zoom & closeup elements. Calibrate as in "permanently preset using electrical tape."

2) Zoom eyepieces are *not* ideal for afocal photography. I'm looking into replacing the Vortex ep with a fixed length astro eyepiece with decent eye relief (longer than 17mm) & a wider field of view (FOV). There are Plossl & Delos ep's made by Tele Vue that may suit the need, but it'll require a special eyepiece adapter to mount a different eyepiece on the Vortex Viper's M42-thread rear port.

The upshot is that I'm close to realizing sharp images, but for lack of solid calibration & a fixed-length e.p. true sharpness is still evading me.
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