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Warbler ID (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Went trough my SEA files one more time and found this one. A warbler for sure. Please ID.
Thailand, Doi Inthanon NP, mid-level, January 2020.
Thank you ID guys.


  • IMG_8734.JPG
    2.4 MB · Views: 44
I’d have thought a “frontal only” image, of a small Phylloscopus warbler would be doubtful indeed….however I’d suggest Claudia’s or White-tailed Warbler as possible candidates?

It does look quite good for Blyth's but how to rule out Davison's or even Claudia's? Ideally you would need a view of the undertail.

I remember @Brian J Small posting a few years back that Blyth's was more common higher up, especially at the summit, and Davison's more common lower down, esp. between 34 and 37 km. This being winter, however, Blyth's may venture lower.
Thank you for your support. To be honest, I have no idea but Blyth´s sounds good to me. It is the only picture I have of this bird.
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