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Waxbill? Singapore (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi, these two photos were taken in Singapore this morning, some kind of waxbills? but so far only 4 types of waxbills in Singapore, not like anyone of the 4. Can you pls kindly advise ID, thank you very much in advance


  • 1.jpg
    78.1 KB · Views: 56
  • 2.jpg
    78.2 KB · Views: 55
Look like Yellow-bellied to me.
Thanks much, Andy. Could these birds be zebra waxbills? I am not too sure the different ID features between these two species as there are no yellow-bellied waxbills in Singapore. Is it possible to advise further? Again, thanks much 🙏
Thanks much, Andy. Could these birds be zebra waxbills? I am not too sure the different ID features between these two species as there are no yellow-bellied waxbills in Singapore. Is it possible to advise further? Again, thanks much 🙏
Yes zebra, aka, orange-breasted waxbill
One bird (bottom left) has a plain grey head and yellow belly and looks superficially like Yellow-bellied. However, the whole bill is red, not just the lower half, and the vent is orange, suggesting it's a Zebra. The bird at the top in the 2nd image certainly is.
Orange or Orange-breasted Waxbill, Zebra is such a bad name for this species as we have a Zebra Finch in Australia
Well noted with thanks, but in ebird checklist submission, can choose zebra waxbill only... ?:unsure:
Probably you can change the English name (s) by changing the ebird settings (if you really want to do this). It can be useful: some of our party did this in South Africa so that the ebird names matched the common names people use there (I didn't which led to endless confusion)
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