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Welsh rarities (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I am going to spend 8 days travelling around the Welsh coast with my father. We are aiming to visit both North and South Wales and will be travelling late September, early October. Can any one recommend good locations. I am particularly interested in seeing grouse of any sort and chough, but there are plenty of others I am after.
Hi RD. Rhosilli (The Gower) can be good for Chough. Also the Pembs/ Cardiganshire coastlines. Enjoyed watching a family at Mwnt (outside Cardigan) a couple of years back. Grouse are not the easiest birds to pick up in South Wales. Perhaps Worlds End (North Wales) for Black Grouse? I assume Reds are there as well.

If coming in via the Severn Bridge I'd be tempted to stop off at Goldcliff and Newport Wetlands - usually a good selection of birds but not sure about late Sept/ Oct.

I'll try and link a few of the websites that I often visit for South Wales.

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