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West Midlands/Warwickshire local patches. (1 Viewer)


It was Paul Legge who saw the GWE. I'll ask him to forward a description to you.

Out of interest, how many of the more notable bird records from Sandwell Valley are formally submitted? I seem to remember a recent belated report of an Eider there as well.......

Birding Today


Cheers for that.

Most records I receive for Sandwell Valley are via BirdTrack, WMBC website or RSPB staff e.g. the Bittern in 2009 was confirmed by the RSPB; I do not believe that the record was uploaded to BirdTrack nor did I receive details directly from the observers.

I have not yet received formal submissions for Eider (9/11/11), Glossy Ibis (1/10/11), Great Grey Shrike (27/10/10), Avocet (12/9/10) and Collared Pratincole (28/5/10), plus various other WM County category A species. Without such details they will become lost.

I appreciate that no one is obliged to submit records and that Sandwell Valley is not alone in this regard, but the true wildlife value of these sites is obviously not being recognized, leaving them potentially vulnerable if threatened.

After reports last week of waxwings over in my old home estate, I sent Dad out looking, but today a single bird was spotted and I zipped over to catch a glimpse. Thankfully there were a few folks on it when I drove by, so parked up and grabbed a few pics.

Shame about the cloud and white skies, but great to see regardless.


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Excellent pics as usual Pete glad you caught up with them. Almost consolation for missing the LS Woodie but sweeter as its on the doorstep. Im amazed that there are any berries left the amount of thrushes about I had 50 Fieldfare in my garden for two days as they stripped the berries. The differences between males and females was really apparent, both size and extent of facial markings. This bird was particulary pale with white claws?
BWP has juv as having brown/yellow legs feet but no mention of claws. All other birds had dark legs and claws. There was also a tailess bird.


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I only had an hour or so today, so getting a waxwing locally was a result. I wonder if the LSW will find a partner and breed on site.

Dad's had flocks of fieldfares in his garden too - on the fallen apples.

Nice shot!
Anyone know anything more about yesterday's Birdguides report of a possible Night Heron at Fens Pools, Brierley Hill? Possibly been around a while?
Anyone know anything more about yesterday's Birdguides report of a possible Night Heron at Fens Pools, Brierley Hill? Possibly been around a while?

May be quite wrong, but my first thoughts went back to the (Dutch) Twycross Zoo escape bird - that several of us were looking at recently on the canal at Atherstone.

Andy R.
None of the regular birders who watch the fens pools area knew anything about the night heron before the report last night, i phoned RBA myself this morning for any more info about who had reported the sighting, the name i was given was James Pumphrey, who none of the regulars now, if you read this could you please post some more information please, as it would only be the second record for the area, after the footshole 1994 bird which i myself co found, thanks again simon
I was present at the Fens Pools checking out all the likely spots from before dawn untill mid morning, today, but no sign of reported poss Night Heron, simon

I was up in Nottinghamshire this weekend at Clumber Park and came across this little bird, behaviour was very much like a robin, hopping around just in front of me but looks akin to Chiffchaff/Willow Warbler albeit a juvenile which I thought rather early in the year. Would really appreciate any help with the identification. Apologies for the poor photos, I have literally just purchase my first DSLR so have no idea what I'm doing yet!!

Thank you in advance



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I was up in Nottinghamshire this weekend at Clumber Park and came across this little bird, behaviour was very much like a robin, hopping around just in front of me but looks akin to Chiffchaff/Willow Warbler albeit a juvenile which I thought rather early in the year. Would really appreciate any help with the identification. Apologies for the poor photos, I have literally just purchase my first DSLR so have no idea what I'm doing yet!!

Thank you in advance


Looks like a adult Chiffchaff to me.
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