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Western Marsh Harrier? S. Thailand, Nov 13 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Asking for id correction or, in a surpriising case, confirmation of my id of this raptor. These photos were taken around noon on Nov 13, 2021 in an extensive wetland area in Songkhla province, southern Thailand. I think with the dark neck and pale face, broad wings and I think 5 primary fingers that it is a western marsh harrier. I would very much appreciate your advice on this raptor and whether it is identifiable from these photos. I did ponder about it being a moulting black-eared kite but I think the harrier is a better fit. and I think the dark neck band is better for eastern than western. However, I would appreciate it if one or more of the very much more knowledgeable folks on here could comment and correct.
Thank you in advance


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I think it is a Marsh Harrier -BUT: Western or Eastern?
I am not sure if Eastern wouldn´t be also a possibility and also do not know which would be more likely at your location ?
Thank Joern, I believe you are correct with eastern as it would appear eastern is much much more likely where I am; after checking the distributions of the two on eBird it would seem the western is rare anywhere in Thailand and never seen in this province or any of the ones surrounding it.
Thank you very much for taking the time to comment.
very much appreciated
It looks fine for EMH, not sure if it is an option for WMH.
Interesting question though. I don't think we give much attention to this issue usually. While you would think that both could turn up in the realm of the other...someday at least.....
I must admit that some of the WMH in ebird (Thailand) look promising.

There are quite a few articles online about the differences between the two.
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You are most welcome, yet I meant to say that I (a novice as far as Eastern Marsh is concerned) don't see an objection against it being EMH.
Hopefully someone with more fieldexperience in East Asia will pop by.

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