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What birds are awake at night (1 Viewer)


New member
Hi, I was just wondering if anybody could help me. I think there is a bird living above my bedroom window/in the roof. I hear it coming and going all the time but just recently I've been hearing it call. However, it only starts when it's dark. As soon as it gets light it stops and again when it goes dark it starts. I don't mind the noise I'm just curious as to what it could be. I have a feeling it might be a chick but I'm not sure. I don't know much about birds and it sounds to me like the sound geese make when they fly over. Because of the way my house is situated there's a giant redwood right next to my window it makes it really difficult to see anything from the outside. Any info would be great
Chaz F
Hi, I was just wondering if anybody could help me. I think there is a bird living above my bedroom window/in the roof. I hear it coming and going all the time but just recently I've been hearing it call. However, it only starts when it's dark. As soon as it gets light it stops and again when it goes dark it starts. I don't mind the noise I'm just curious as to what it could be. I have a feeling it might be a chick but I'm not sure. I don't know much about birds and it sounds to me like the sound geese make when they fly over. Because of the way my house is situated there's a giant redwood right next to my window it makes it really difficult to see anything from the outside. Any info would be great
Chaz F

Could be a starling nesting in your roof space, the chicks are quite noisy as they grow, try and record the sound and post on here,

Regards from mark
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