New member

Preface: I tried to call the game warden but they didn't even call me back and apparently they won't do anything because it's a bird. Wildlife rescues or whatever they're called are all too far away to take her there so she's stuck with me until she can fly (so she can get away from predators).
Relevant Information: On the 16th near midnight I saved what I guess is a fledgling Robin from a cat. It was pitch black so I couldn't look for the nest (looked in the morning with no luck) or put the bird down lest the cat get it again. Note that when its wings spread after I brought it inside, I noticed there were bald spots where the wings met the body and it looked like her feathers were still coming in so I think it was barely a fledgling. I've been taking care of her since the 17th and she seems to be doing well. At first I fed her some red worms (cut up to prevent choking) using tweezers but when that was gone I started using earth worms and have used them since (again, cut up). I feed her as much as she can eat (until she is satisfied) once an hour but if she cries for food before then I'll feed her.
1. What signs are there that something is wrong?
2. How long does it take for a new fledgling to get walking around and learning to hunt?
3. How can I teach her to hunt?
4. How long until I can release her?
5. What else do I need to know to make sure she survives?
Relevant Information: On the 16th near midnight I saved what I guess is a fledgling Robin from a cat. It was pitch black so I couldn't look for the nest (looked in the morning with no luck) or put the bird down lest the cat get it again. Note that when its wings spread after I brought it inside, I noticed there were bald spots where the wings met the body and it looked like her feathers were still coming in so I think it was barely a fledgling. I've been taking care of her since the 17th and she seems to be doing well. At first I fed her some red worms (cut up to prevent choking) using tweezers but when that was gone I started using earth worms and have used them since (again, cut up). I feed her as much as she can eat (until she is satisfied) once an hour but if she cries for food before then I'll feed her.
1. What signs are there that something is wrong?
2. How long does it take for a new fledgling to get walking around and learning to hunt?
3. How can I teach her to hunt?
4. How long until I can release her?
5. What else do I need to know to make sure she survives?