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What Spring Migrants have you seen so far, 2022 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I have noticed Sand Martins, Little Ringed Plover and Northern Wheatear have all been recorded at some point over the last week in the UK.
It would be interesting to know what members have seen nationally and internationally on their local patches or locally. Please mention transnational migrants as well as altitudinal migrants which may have not even moved 30 miles or so.
I have so far personally seen Curlew and Oystercatcher about 2 weeks ago. Curlews arrive back roughly at that time but Oystercatcher's seem to start arriving inland in Northern England from late January into early February. Skylark have been recorded but I have not seen or heard them yet.
Blackbirds and gulls are pulsing through my area lately. First-of-year American Woodcock on my patch this evening was fine, but it was topped by a beautiful, dark Iceland Gull that I believe is comfortably in the "Thayer's" range!

Pintails and Am. Wigeons through as well, many of them already gone. Snow Geese are clearing out, too, with a few bonus Tundra Swans. A stunning drake Eurasian Wigeon visited the patch a few weeks ago, along with cameos from both Canvasback and Redhead.
Where was that?
Is it or are they still around?
It was wintering at the small sewage works at Sidlesham, West Sussex. I'm not sure exactly how much longer it stayed after that because obviously I was after other stuff but it continued through January, occasionally wandering to Medmerry. My first January Swallow.

Cornwall has had some winterers too.

Duck numbers are decreasing down in Kent. Dipped on a White Front that was seen just over a mile away this morning.

Pretty sure the Chiff-Chaff and Blackcap I saw in February were over winterers rather than early arrivals.
Over-wintering Blackcap Chiffchaff and Common Sandpiper, but the Ring Ouzel in Somerset was probably new in - we saw it at Brean Down on January 21st. Will be heading down to my local pond hoping for Sand Martin this evening; last year's first was on 6th March , but a couple of years back one was there on the 1st!

Update: No Sand Martins this evening just a pair of Little Grebes in sum plum.
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Here in Lufbra all I have noticed is small movements of gulls, a few LBBs a couple of days ago and about 15 Black-headeds today.
At Rutland Water maybe 15 Oystercatchers have arrived already but little other sign of spring.
Little Ringed Plover today at Staines Res- first for London today (not seen by me!).

Had a Chiffchaff Sunday, but possibly an over-winterer, though hadn't seen one all winter there.
How unusual are the numbers of Swallow this winter in the U.K. I know there have been previous records but this winter seems exceptional. Have there been any records 9f house/ Sand Martins I can't remember any. Is there an obvious reason why it is usually swallows that appear in winter
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