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Where is the best value to buy a new Leica scope (1 Viewer)

Rumours are strong about a release of a new scope at the BBWF in August so it may be possible that other leica scopes could well drop in price (if you want new) or it could mean a glut of scopes being available second hand as some trade up to a hopefully lighter 80mm scope.

It must be exciting to be looking out for a new Scope! You lucky so and so.
warehouse express are always worth a try...... (click on banner above)

if Leica do launch a new scope you could get a very good deal on the 'old' one which is as good optically as you could possibly want......especially if you started birding as a 13-yr-old using an old Kowa TS2....used to freeze your bloody fingers off in winter and your eye would stick to the eyepiece :C
Hi John,

So you want to buy a new Leica scope? Firstly they are expensive and secondly, as mentioned there may be a new model available relatively soon. As you're Irish I expect dealing in Euros will be more convenient so I suggest you check out WWW.foto-wannack.de . This is a German dealer in Hamburg who can be contacted on [email protected] . For such expensive optics and accessories Wannack is very reasonable and he will give you a quote for what you wish to buy.
Friends of mine here in Ireland have bought optical equipment from him including a Leica Apo Televid 77 and to be fair, prices were reasonable when compared to other dealers. The only real option you have in Dublin is Conn's Cameras which have all major scopes on display in Dublin City Centre. Just walk in and try them out. However, if you compare their prices to Wannack's you might be trying abroad!
Alternatively you can buy in Britain or NI from various dealers with good offers but by the time euros are converted to sterling etc etc...may not seem such a good deal.

Just a few things for you to consider! I really recommend contacting Wannack though.

Best wishes!
And if you look at the Zeiss 85T* with 20-60 zoom, you'll see what the new Leica might be like - lighter, brighter and much wider!

Well I asked about a new scope from Leica at the bird fair...........stern reply came back "never listen to anything told or implied on any websites as Leica have not released any information to us about any new scopes". Tail between legs then! "but they are always working on new products" he added. UMMM
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