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Where to see Pied Flycatcher and Redstarts (Wales)? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Whilst recovering from a long illness, it has been a hope that I might one day be able to visit Wales and see/photograph Pied Flycatcher and Redstarts (among other things, perhaps Wood Warbler too?!). I am considering taking this trip at some point over the next few weeks. However, I have no idea which of the Welsh reserves is best suited to this. I wondered if anyone who's had any experience of them could point me in the right direction, please? Should I be heading to RSPB Nagshead or Carngafallt for example?

Any help/advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you
Hi Hobbes. Dinas reserve is fantastic. I was there last Saturday and had great views of both species. The reserve is c10 miles north of Llandovery. Wood Warblers are there also but I dipped on those.

Ynys Hir also has all species but is a little further from your neck of the woods.


Ps hope you're on the mend
Hi Hobbes. Dinas reserve is fantastic. I was there last Saturday and had great views of both species. The reserve is c10 miles north of Llandovery. Wood Warblers are there also but I dipped on those.

Ynys Hir also has all species but is a little further from your neck of the woods.


Ps hope you're on the mend

I agree Dinas is the best place to go....i'm off there next weekend you should get wood warbler, tree pipit, dipper, raven, red kite, spotted flycatcher etc etc.
and the scenery is quite stunning too. B :)
I've just had a day walking in nth wales, just west of Llangollen, saw 2 redstarts and heard 4 cuckoos (or did I hear 1 cuckoo 4 times?), also loads of wheatear and meadow pipits + 2 madarins on the river. It wasn't a reserve and was about 4m walk in total. Last year saw pied flycatcher same area but further west along the river dee at carrog. Let me know if your interested in further details of the locale!
Thank you Rich, Brian and Bartolli. Very helpful replies - its good just to get some reassurance that if I do go all that way, I will likely see these lovely birds. I've heard others mention Dinas too so I shall look into that more seriously.

Thanks again
Seriously also consider the Gilfach NNR, Near Rhayader, run by the Radnor Wildlife Trust, it's only ten minutes up the A470 from the reknown Gig Rin Farm Red Kite feeding station.

Your guaranteed 'close ups' of both Pied Flycatcher and Redstart in the farm yard, while Siskin and Redpoll were on the feeders when I was there on Tuesday. Within the valley that Gilfach stands in your likely to see Dipper, Peregrine, Tree Pipit, Wood Warbler etc.

Incidentally you get to meet the 'warden' Pip who lives (on site) in a 16th century Welsh longhouse farm and feeds Redstart from his hand.

Dinas or Ynyshir reserves are great places (as already mentioned) and the latter has the Dyfi Osprey Project just down the road...so many good choices Hobbes, whichever you chose will delight you :t:
Just to whet your appetite Hobbes, I've attached a Redstart and Female Pied Flycatcher both photo's were taken at Gilfach NNR it's undoubtably the best place I know for organised image taking of both species ;)


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Just to whet your appetite Hobbes, I've attached a Redstart and Female Pied Flycatcher both photo's were taken at Gilfach NNR it's undoubtably the best place I know for organised image taking of both species ;)

....whet my appetite...!! Flipping brilliant! Thank you very much indeed for telling me about this place, Bill. Now all I need to do is sort out a B&B... :t:
Thanks again,
I couldn't agree more on Dinas - a fantastic reserve with a stream running through it. Views of Pied Flycatcher, Redstart, and Wood Warbler are almost guaranteed, and Dipper and Goosander are easily seen on the stream. Also many more lovely birds.

As Bill said, Ynys-Hir is a good reserve to see the species you want to see, however, I've always struggled to photograph them there. But it's a lovely reserve, and the Dyfi Osprey Project is well worth a visit! (even though I am a bit biased because I'm a volunteer there.) It really is a stunning place though, with an opportunity to see Wales' rarest breeding bird, the Osprey, and many other species, including Cuckoo.

Also, excellent shots Bill - especially the Redstart!
I couldn't agree more on Dinas - a fantastic reserve with a stream running through it. Views of Pied Flycatcher, Redstart, and Wood Warbler are almost guaranteed, and Dipper and Goosander are easily seen on the stream. Also many more lovely birds.

As Bill said, Ynys-Hir is a good reserve to see the species you want to see, however, I've always struggled to photograph them there. But it's a lovely reserve, and the Dyfi Osprey Project is well worth a visit! (even though I am a bit biased because I'm a volunteer there.) It really is a stunning place though, with an opportunity to see Wales' rarest breeding bird, the Osprey, and many other species, including Cuckoo.

Also, excellent shots Bill - especially the Redstart!

I keep having to add an extra day to my trip to fit all these fantastic sites in! Thanks Justin for the additional information. Very helpful.
Just to whet your appetite Hobbes, I've attached a Redstart and Female Pied Flycatcher both photo's were taken at Gilfach NNR it's undoubtably the best place I know for organised image taking of both species ;)

Go with Gilfach...no contest....it is run to assist photers and not just spotters.
If I can get pics of Redstart and Pied Fly's anyone can... :-O
Sit by the river or even in the Otter hide which overhangs the river and you will see Pied and Grey wags as well as more Pied Fly's which nest a few feet away.

People take Mealworms to put on the walls and posts and within seconds you will get Pied Fly in one area and Redstart in others,

WARNING....For everyone reading this......Please make sure you take only LIVE Mealworms as the Redstart have killed their young by feeding them dried ones.These should not be sold in my opinion as they contain nowt.
Also don't use the worms anywhere on the reserve except in and around the courtyard.
They said they will have to put up some signs but as yet they have not.

It will be a trip of a lifetime for you if the weather is O.K.
Bright sunshine is not needed and in fact can hamper shots.

Can I also say DONATIONS are encouraged and when I was there I did not see too many put money in the boxes..£10-£15,000 of kit and can't spare a few quid...they NEED the money to keep it going.


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Go with Gilfach...no contest....it is run to assist photers and not just spotters.
If I can get pics of Redstart and Pied Fly's anyone can... :-O
Sit by the river or even in the Otter hide which overhangs the river and you will see Pied and Grey wags as well as more Pied Fly's which nest a few feet away.

People take Mealworms to put on the walls and posts and within seconds you will get Pied Fly in one area and Redstart in others,

WARNING....For everyone reading this......Please make sure you take only LIVE Mealworms as the Redstart have killed their young by feeding them dried ones.These should not be sold in my opinion as they contain nowt.
Also don't use the worms anywhere on the reserve except in and around the courtyard.
They said they will have to put up some signs but as yet they have not.

It will be a trip of a lifetime for you if the weather is O.K.
Bright sunshine is not needed and in fact can hamper shots.

Can I also say DONATIONS are encouraged and when I was there I did not see too many put money in the boxes..£10-£15,000 of kit and can't spare a few quid...they NEED the money to keep it going.

Thank you for your informative and helpful message, Keith. It sounds like a dream. I think I've probably missed the best time to go now so will wait until next May/June. It'll give me something to look forward to for sure ;).
All the best
P.S. I would be over the moon if I could get shots anywhere near as good as yours :t:
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