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Where to watch hares in the Brecks? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi all,

is there anywhere in particular in the Brecks that's great for hare watching?

I'm thinking Weeting Heath and the surrounding area but if anyone knows any other places, I'd be grateful to hear about them.

Thanks and best wishes
Hi all,

is there anywhere in particular in the Brecks that's great for hare watching?

I'm thinking Weeting Heath and the surrounding area but if anyone knows any other places, I'd be grateful to hear about them.

Thanks and best wishes

Don't know about the Brecks, but we had them in lots of places in north Norfolk a week or so ago. Great sitings in the fields as you drive up the lane to Choseley Barns amongst many other places.
Don't know about the Brecks, but we had them in lots of places in north Norfolk a week or so ago. Great sitings in the fields as you drive up the lane to Choseley Barns amongst many other places.

Thanks Sandra. That's a great area for birding too.

The fields between the Cley visitor centre and Salthouse, on the inland side of the coast road are also good for hares. Saw quite a few there yesterday.

But I am off to the Brecks today to meet friends and am hoping for some more hare watching before I meet them for lunch.

I'll go to Weeting and try for the s curlews at the same time.
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