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Whitetail carving (1 Viewer)

Hi People!

Haven't been in here for a while but as you can see I haven't just been lying around eating bon bons and watching the soaps! HA!

This is the most recent piece I completed about a month ago. Life size. Took me a full year working full time+ to complete. All carved out of tupelo gum and painted with acrylics. Everything is carved i.e. the tree, buck, and all the leaves, grass and dirt are all created out of other materials. This was created for a local collector.

Am working on a pretty cool eagle bust right now. Should have photos of it in a few days.

Have a good one!

Thanks everyone! Yep took lots of patience and lots of nose to the grindstone to get it done in a year. But was worth it. Hopefully will do more in my life!

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