Kerri Marie
- Hello, we have had a blue tit roosting in our nest box for the past 8 nights. I think today she may have spotted the camera as she flew up and started staring right at it and then she flew out the box and hasn’t been back. I have read that maybe she spotted her reflection and thinks another tit has taken over the box and she probably won’t be back. Do you think this is the case? There is a little plastic covering on 1 side of the box which I have now covered over with some waterproof black material to stop any glare from the sun going onto the camera (she has been coming in while it is still a bit light and some sun is still up) . I have stuck it down with some yellow tape. Do you think this will help or should I just leave it as it was before as the side of the box looks a bit different now? I’m at a loss of what to do and really hope she comes back.