Well-known member
December 24th:
It's done. With the buntings I come to an end with my advent calendar. I hope you enjoyed this little excercise or at least you could take home an ID feature or two, even when you don't want eponyms to go away.
Cretzschmar’s Bunting (Emberiza caesia)
Philipp Jakob Cretzschmar (1786 –1845), German physician and natural scientist.
Alternative names: Rusty Bunting, Gray-headed Ortolan, Brown-lored Bunting, Boulder Bunting, Coastal Ortolan
The species seems to prefer coastal habitats, which I think could make for a cool name. The ‘Bunting’ part of the name could also be changed to ‘Ortolan’ in my opinion.
Pallas’s Bunting (Emberiza pallasi)
Petrus Simon Pallas (1741–1811), widely known as Peter Simon Pallas, German naturalist in the Russian service, and explorer in Siberia and Kirghizia.
Alternative names: Frosty/Frosted Bunting, Creamy Bunting, Grey-shouldered (Reed) Bunting, Tundra Bunting, Arctic Bunting, Siberian Bunting, Rush Bunting
A subtle beauty breeding at high latitudes. I think Frosty or Creamy Bunting must be my favourites. Somehow the species reminds me of coffee with milk, so perfect Cappuccino Bunting?
Merry Christmas to all 😊
It's done. With the buntings I come to an end with my advent calendar. I hope you enjoyed this little excercise or at least you could take home an ID feature or two, even when you don't want eponyms to go away.
Cretzschmar’s Bunting (Emberiza caesia)
Philipp Jakob Cretzschmar (1786 –1845), German physician and natural scientist.
Alternative names: Rusty Bunting, Gray-headed Ortolan, Brown-lored Bunting, Boulder Bunting, Coastal Ortolan
The species seems to prefer coastal habitats, which I think could make for a cool name. The ‘Bunting’ part of the name could also be changed to ‘Ortolan’ in my opinion.
Pallas’s Bunting (Emberiza pallasi)
Petrus Simon Pallas (1741–1811), widely known as Peter Simon Pallas, German naturalist in the Russian service, and explorer in Siberia and Kirghizia.
Alternative names: Frosty/Frosted Bunting, Creamy Bunting, Grey-shouldered (Reed) Bunting, Tundra Bunting, Arctic Bunting, Siberian Bunting, Rush Bunting
A subtle beauty breeding at high latitudes. I think Frosty or Creamy Bunting must be my favourites. Somehow the species reminds me of coffee with milk, so perfect Cappuccino Bunting?
Merry Christmas to all 😊