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Ynys y fro reservoirs (1 Viewer)

Was visiting Gloucester today for work so called in lunchtime to see if the Penduline Tits were around. There were 8 scattered birders around the lake/pond looking bored. I notice some bullrush at the back of the lake being shredded and glimpsed two birds moving (turned out these were reed bunts). I pointed out the location to the nearest three birders but the guy said he thought the tits were much closer (he'd seen them there last) and pointed at the spot. There they were! They then flew straight over our head and landed in some bushes behind us. Two minutes later they were up in the air and off. Back in the car after around ten minutes 297 in the bag.
Was visiting Gloucester today for work so called in lunchtime to see if the Penduline Tits were around. There were 8 scattered birders around the lake/pond looking bored. I notice some bullrush at the back of the lake being shredded and glimpsed two birds moving (turned out these were reed bunts). I pointed out the location to the nearest three birders but the guy said he thought the tits were much closer (he'd seen them there last) and pointed at the spot. There they were! They then flew straight over our head and landed in some bushes behind us. Two minutes later they were up in the air and off. Back in the car after around ten minutes 297 in the bag.
Sounds pretty much like when I was there John. Arrived, had great views and then after 5 minutes they were gone.

Trip out to Strumble today hoping for a UK tick Cory's. Got there for 6:50. A Cory's and two Great and Two Sooties had already gone through. I stayed until 11:30 and missed another Great (close enough to photo) and another 6 Sooties. Despite the regulars trying to get me on them I couldn't pick up the various lines of the bigger shears. I managed to pick up/find lots of smaller stuff 10 Stormies, 3 separate flocks of Turnstone, Dunlin, a black tern, a number of comic tern and a single Knot! At least I didn't have the frustration of missing a Cory's or something much rarer. Overall though a very enjoyable seawatch. Always something in view and a nice mix of species.
Trip out to Strumble today hoping for a UK tick Cory's. Got there for 6:50. A Cory's and two Great and Two Sooties had already gone through. I stayed until 11:30 and missed another Great (close enough to photo) and another 6 Sooties. Despite the regulars trying to get me on them I couldn't pick up the various lines of the bigger shears. I managed to pick up/find lots of smaller stuff 10 Stormies, 3 separate flocks of Turnstone, Dunlin, a black tern, a number of comic tern and a single Knot! At least I didn't have the frustration of missing a Cory's or something much rarer. Overall though a very enjoyable seawatch. Always something in view and a nice mix of species.

Was reading on Twitter they had a good day John. Worth another trip I'd say:t:

A recent trip up to North Wales got me 299- Black Grouse at World's End. A very good trip with a nice supporting cast.

Today was finally big 300 day. This was an apologetic BOOM! moment and the species-Cattle Egret (5). Had a trip to ham wall my 2nd best ever birding day, what a stunning experience.

The 'routine' stuff was awesome with exceptional views of numerous Great W Egret, Marsh Harriers and Great Bittern. All 3 spp were everywhere. Excellent views of little egret, cuckoo, barn owl and particularly Garden Warbler.

Single Hobby and Male Garganey plus a pair of Bearded Tit.

The Cattle Egret gave good views but the Little Bittern and Glossy Ibis were exceptional. The little bittern was sat up on top of nearby reeds for 10-15 minutes and flew twice.

If you've never been there I'd definitely advise visiting. I've been a few times now it is an exceptional experience
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