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Young Indian Mynah Bird - Need Help! (NSW, Australia) (1 Viewer)


New member
Hi Guys,

I apologise if I'm posting in the wrong forum.

Yesterday my dog brought a young Indian Mynah bird inside. It looks to be 5 weeks old.

I had left it outside hoping the parents would find it but to no avail.

It doesn't seem particularly sick or injured, just in a bit of shock.

I'm worried as it hasn't had much to eat or drink for quite some time now. I've put it in a little cage and am trying to figure out what to do next.

I contacted my local vet and they said that no wildlife rehabilitators will take it as it is considered a pest where we live. The vets will euthanise it if it's not eating or drinking but that's about it.

I'm happy to do whatever it takes to take care of it but I don't know if that's the appropriate thing to do. Is it best to leave it alone outside or try to feed it for a while?

Any help is appreciated.
You have no humane societies that don't kill what is considered a pest bird? Try searching for a Humane Society in your area and if you find one see if they will treat the myna. Good luck! i
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