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This year I've bought 35 books, including two (The Black Robin: Saving the World's Most Endangered Bird and The Toolache Wallaby (Macropus greyi Waterhouse)) that I have been looking for years.
Here is my top 10 of novelties which were published in 2021 or 2020:
Seabirds by Peter Harrison, Martin Perrow, Hans Larsson
All Asian Primates by Sylvain Beauséjour, Anthony B. Rylands, Russell A. Mittermeier
Journey among Animals: The animal stories and memoirs of a zoologist by Meredith Happold
A Field Guide to the Land Snails of Lord Howe Island by Isabel Hyman & Frank Koehler
Birds of Colombia by Stephen L. Hilty
Birds of the Indonesian Archipelago, 2nd ed. by James A. Eaton, Bas van Balen, Nick W. Brickle, Frank E. Rheindt
Gone: A search for what remains of the world's extinct creatures by Michael Blencowe
Field Guide to the Birds of Argentina and the Southwest Atlantic by Mark Pearman & Juan Ignacio Areta
Wie wat bewaart: Twee eeuwen Nederlandse natuurhistorie by Menno Schildhuizen & Freek Vonk
Van onschatbare waarde: 200 jaar Naturalis by Eulalia Gassó Miracle & Tiny Monquil-Broersen
Here is my top 10 of novelties which were published in 2021 or 2020:
Seabirds by Peter Harrison, Martin Perrow, Hans Larsson
All Asian Primates by Sylvain Beauséjour, Anthony B. Rylands, Russell A. Mittermeier
Journey among Animals: The animal stories and memoirs of a zoologist by Meredith Happold
A Field Guide to the Land Snails of Lord Howe Island by Isabel Hyman & Frank Koehler
Birds of Colombia by Stephen L. Hilty
Birds of the Indonesian Archipelago, 2nd ed. by James A. Eaton, Bas van Balen, Nick W. Brickle, Frank E. Rheindt
Gone: A search for what remains of the world's extinct creatures by Michael Blencowe
Field Guide to the Birds of Argentina and the Southwest Atlantic by Mark Pearman & Juan Ignacio Areta
Wie wat bewaart: Twee eeuwen Nederlandse natuurhistorie by Menno Schildhuizen & Freek Vonk
Van onschatbare waarde: 200 jaar Naturalis by Eulalia Gassó Miracle & Tiny Monquil-Broersen