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Your first bird of 2022 ... (2 Viewers)

Didn't get up until 9 am. First bird was a Great Egret seen out my kitchen window. That was a surprise. I would have guessed Carolina Wren, Northern Cardinal, or Wood Duck.
Only hit a few very local waterfowl spots. Really need to start waking up New Years day in warmer environments...hard to work up energy to year list a bunch of common species on January 1st when its 14 degrees out.

First bird of the year was Herring Gull
It got to 2PM. I shoveled the snow. Still only have seen the juncos at my feeder. Every sensible birds stays put in this wind. The power company cut down most of my trees. I have some bushes in the front of my house and a pine.
Red Kite, patrolling a road in Swindon slightly before sunrise. I've only seen them in urban Swindon a handful of times so that was a bit special.
'First bird of the year seen: blackbird sat a tree in the front garden.

The last bird I saw tonight was a blackbird, and it's 9 at night and there's a robin out there singing, still, 'so the day has ended pretty much as it started. 'Thought it could be a decent day when two robins were out there singing, a song thrush joined them and very briefly exercised his lungs, and a tawny owl was making himself heard: all before light. As it turned out, the kingfishers darted past but didn't perch where I was, but this fellow was in the car park waiting for me when I turned up at half 9. The first bird to present a half decent picture opportunity in 2022.


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First of all was a Robin heard as soon as I went out of the front door. First seen was a Magpie that flew across in front of my car, and first of my proper birding session was Mute Swans, showing up in the half light.
Still need House Sparrow half way through Day 2.
Probably the first physically within my line of sight on NYD was one of either the flocks of starlings or sparrows that are always on my street. But the only one I paid attention to was the goshawk that hangs around Howard University and the open spaces close to my house.
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Christmas Day a great tit singing his spring song "teacher teacher!" (in North Ayrshire). Sorry he's a bit early for this thread but I thought I'd mention it anyway!!
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