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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Zeiss SF 8x30 vs SFL 8x40 (1 Viewer)

I love my SFL 8x30. I loved the MHG 8x30 before and the SFL is the same thing but a bit better in basically every way. It’s not perfect but it’s clearly the best bin for the weight I have used.
The MHG 8x30 and MHG 8x42 have a much bigger FOV than the SFL 8x30 and SFL 8x42. The edges are soft on both the SFL and MHG, but the fall off on the MHG is much more gradual than the SFL, so it is not nearly as noticeable as the more abrupt fall off on the SFL.

I can see a ring at the edge of the FOV of the SFL, whereas on the MHG I can't. I much prefer the way Nikon designed the optics on the MHG versus how Zeiss designed the SFL, for that reason.
I think they’re both close in transmission but thats not what separates these two. Imo the EL’s in 32mm are superior to the SFL in almost every way. The 32EL was brighter under low light conditions than the 8x30SFL I compared. I’d say the same for the Leica Ultravid but to a lesser degree.
" IMO the EL’s in 32mm are superior to the SFL in almost every way."

I totally agree with that. The SFL is not even close to the EL or the SLC, and I compared them back to back. IMO the MHG is superior to the SFL for it's bigger FOV, and it's less noticeable gradual edge fall off instead of the abrupt fall off of the SFL.
What do you think about this review? It may be the most positive opinion about SFL 8x30 I have read.
What is this "writer's discount" on which he bought his Zeisses? One wonders why so many here on BF are offering reviews for free.
I just noticed one thing i hadn't seen before.
I earlier forgot to take a careful look from the other side.
In the left barrel, a small dot is visible on the prism. I think this SHOULD have been detected in the quality control.
On the other hand, I don't find this has any detecheable impact on the image. And the hassle of asking for a replacement and sending it back and then waiting for a new sucks. How do you others reason in such a case?

I just noticed one thing i hadn't seen before.
I earlier forgot to take a careful look from the other side.
In the left barrel, a small dot is visible on the prism. I think this SHOULD have been detected in the quality control.
On the other hand, I don't find this has any detecheable impact on the image. And the hassle of asking for a replacement and sending it back and then waiting for a new sucks. How do you others reason in such a case?

View attachment 1588870
Are u sure it on the prism? If this is inside, to me it’s unacceptable and I would put up with the hassle and return them and get what paid for. At these prices it’s not a lot to ask for.

Good luck.
I just noticed one thing i hadn't seen before.
I earlier forgot to take a careful look from the other side.
In the left barrel, a small dot is visible on the prism. I think this SHOULD have been detected in the quality control.
On the other hand, I don't find this has any detecheable impact on the image. And the hassle of asking for a replacement and sending it back and then waiting for a new sucks. How do you others reason in such a case?

View attachment 1588870
Zeiss is famous for leaving dust inside the binocular. The Conquest HD's are terrible that way. It could affect the contrast. I would send them back.
Are u sure it on the prism? If this is inside, to me it’s unacceptable and I would put up with the hassle and return them and get what paid for. At these prices it’s not a lot to ask for.

Good luck.

Thanks for reply. It really looks like it's on the prism, when I turn the glass from side to side the dot looks in the middle of the barrel.
I’m with Chuck on this one. I’ve owned both SF 8x32 and the SFL 8x40. Preferred the SFL. Doesn’t mean it’s better. Just worked better for me. I did ultimately sell the SFLs though because I got some blackouts with them. Otherwise would’ve kept them
Thanks for the comments about the dot on the prism.
I tried shaking it and turning it around but the dot hasn't moved so it seems to be attached to the prism.
While an obstruction in the field reduces the contrast and the effective aperture (which can be detected on catadioptric telescopes), here we are talking about an obstruction covering around 1/2000-3000 of the area. Not 1/4 - 1/20 as with catadioptrics. I am convinced that it is not noticeable at all.
But I agree that it shouldn't be for a binocular at this price. And: it can possibly lower the resale value.
So I will contact the dealer and show the picture.
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The MHG 8x30 and MHG 8x42 have a much bigger FOV than the SFL 8x30 and SFL 8x42. The edges are soft on both the SFL and MHG, but the fall off on the MHG is much more gradual than the SFL, so it is not nearly as noticeable as the more abrupt fall off on the SFL.

I can see a ring at the edge of the FOV of the SFL, whereas on the MHG I can't. I much prefer the way Nikon designed the optics on the MHG versus how Zeiss designed the SFL, for that reason.
MHG 435'/1000
SFL 426'/1000

That's 2.7' at a 100'. "Much bigger",... that's funny. And and exaggeration ;-)

I've owned both, compared them plenty - side by side - as did my wife. The only thing we really noticed is color cast and brightness. The SFL's seemed brighter and more neutral in color. We both preferred SFL ergos and build. That's not saying the MHG's were bad in any particular way... excellent little bins. I particularly like the almost leather-like coverings.
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I’m with Chuck on this one. I’ve owned both SF 8x32 and the SFL 8x40. Preferred the SFL. Doesn’t mean it’s better. Just worked better for me. I did ultimately sell the SFLs though because I got some blackouts with them. Otherwise would’ve kept them
Just curious how did it work better for you if you sold them because of blackouts? And did you also get blackouts with SF’s?
Just curious how did it work better for you if you sold them because of blackouts? And did you also get blackouts with SF’s?
I liked the ergonomics better. Also got more blackouts with the SFs. The SFLs were brighter in low light as would be expected. I really liked how light the SFLs were for the size of the objectives while the SFs were rather large and heavy for their objective size. Both are great glasses though and of course everyone’s preferences in glasses is different so comparing both is the best way to determine which suits you better. As always
Where did you get those goofy numbers from? According to the Zeiss website, the SFL 8x42 has a 420 foot FOV and the MHG has a 435 foot FOV which will make a noticeable difference, especially since the falloff on the SFL is abrupt with a blue line and the MHG's falloff is gradual.

There is no way the SFL is brighter than the MHG when the SFL only has 90% transmission from the Zeiss website and the MHG has 92% transmission plus a 2mm bigger aperture.

The MHG is admittedly skewed towards the red end of the color spectrum, but all Nikon's are like that. As far as build quality, the MHG's are built every bit as good as the SFl's. They make not look it because they are very light for a 42mm, but they are built deceptively well. The MHG's don't have near the armor problems the SFL's have. (Picture from Aquaplas thread)View attachment 1589019

"The Nikon Monarch HG 8x42 binoculars are designed for outdoor use and feature a magnesium alloy chassis and an optical system that provides 92% light transmission. They are made in Japan and are intended to offer class-leading optical performance, ruggedness, and handling. Some features of the Nikon Monarch HG 8x42 binoculars include."
I'm comparing apples to apples. 8x30SFL and 8x30mhg. Comparing 30sfls to 42's makes no sense whatsover. Totally different priorities and comparison.
Where did you get those goofy numbers from? According to the Zeiss website, the SFL 8x42 has a 420 foot FOV and the MHG has a 435 foot FOV which will make a noticeable difference, especially since the falloff on the SFL is abrupt with a blue line and the MHG's falloff is gradual.

There is no way the SFL is brighter than the MHG when the SFL only has 90% transmission from the Zeiss website and the MHG has 92% transmission plus a 2mm bigger aperture.

The MHG is admittedly skewed towards the red end of the color spectrum, but all Nikon's are like that. As far as build quality, the MHG's are built every bit as good as the SFl's. They make not look it because they are very light for a 42mm, but they are built deceptively well. The MHG's don't have near the armor problems the SFL's have. (Picture from Aquaplas thread)View attachment 1589019

"The Nikon Monarch HG 8x42 binoculars are designed for outdoor use and feature a magnesium alloy chassis and an optical system that provides 92% light transmission. They are made in Japan and are intended to offer class-leading optical performance, ruggedness, and handling. Some features of the Nikon Monarch HG 8x42 binoculars include."
BTW, Aperture only matters as your pupil dilates (dawn and dusk). And if you think you can tell the difference between 90 and 92% transmittance… enough said ;-)

I have not owned the 42 MHGs. It would be interesting to compare them to the 40SFLs.

I’m glad we have so many options.
James. You contribute very little to the forum, yet you moan and groan and criticize somebody that tries to. I am sorry you don't like my posts, but you can't please everybody all the time.

It has been said a thousand times before. If you don't like what somebody says on the forum, don't read it or put them on ignore.
Of course, you yourself could just ignore him, couldn't you Denis? Or has he touched a nerve?
James. You contribute very little to the forum, yet you moan and groan and criticize somebody that tries to. I am sorry you don't like my posts, but you can't please everybody all the time.

It has been said a thousand times before. If you don't like what somebody says on the forum, don't read it or put them on ignore.
Good and bad your patterns are incredibly consistent. You didn’t practice what your preaching when you didn’t like somethings I had posted. Then you left the forum and blamed a few members (me the most 🤪) for your departure. Please don’t go down the down personal attack slide that does seem to get you in a little trouble. And the binoculars forum missed you 😆✌🏼

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