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Corncrakes mating

Corncrakes mating (Crex crex)

While driving around South Uist, we stopped when we heard a corncrake calling. 2 then ran across the road in front of us and started mating. The photos are videograbs taken through the windscreen.
road verge, beside field
South Uist
Date taken
24 May 2004
Scientific name
Crex crex
Equipment used
Canon 630i videocam
Amazing capture.
This sight must be as rare as my wallet opening in public (well perhaps not quite that rare)!
Congratulations on managing to film this. ;)
Well, that's just amazing - bet you're glad you had your video cam with you!! Well captured.

Thanks for the comments

Yes I was very lucky to observe the birds. Having first heard a corncrake calling, I had the camcorder ready and was ready to get out of the car and scan through the irises hoping for a fleeting glimpse to capture on film. It was then that the birds appeared from one side iof the road, ran across to the other side, mated and then ran back again to the field they came from. The whole event was over in less than half a minute and the mating only took 5 seconds or so -- so it was lucky that I had the camcorder ready --otherwise it takes about 10 secs after switching on before it is ready to film. Despite filming through a none-too-clean- windscreen I am very pleased with the results.
The locals on Uist told us that corncrakes are far more plentiful this year than last year, and we ended up seeing 6, though the other 4 were more fleeting views. It made up a little for not seeing any eagles or long-tailed or Pom skuas.


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British Rarities
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mike w
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