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Birds of the Greater Sundas, the Philippines, and Wallacea (2 Viewers)

I don't know which book you're looking at Robert but mine is Eaton, Van Balen, Brickle and Rheindt.

Andy, you linked to a different book in your first post. You made a remark, asking whether the new book follows the Eaton et al book. But the discussion is about the Princeton book by Arlott!
Andy, you linked to a different book in your first post. You made a remark, asking whether the new book follows the Eaton et al book. But the discussion is about the Princeton book by Arlott!

I mentioned Eaton et al and you confuse me by mentioning another title, sorry, losing brain cells as we speak.

Yes, the book you link would seem to be largely the same but the latest seems to have extended coverage e.g Wallacea?
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The book in the link is one of Norman Arlott's long series of guides, which are very compact but with generally good illustrations, and nice and portable, though the text is minimal. His taxonomy tends to be conservative so it will be interesting to see what he does here with such taxonomic flux in the region, the Eaton et al Indonesia guide is a real trailblazer and we desperately need something along these lines for the Philippines.
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