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Durham Birding (12 Viewers)

The rest from today.


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any of you lads any idea how those muscovy ducks happen to be beside the boat house in durham city centre


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Greatham Creek

A Barn Owl at Greatham Creek opposite the car park was giving very good views this afternoon. I fell lucky when it dropped into the grass right in front of where I was stood and popped up again with a vole, taking it to a fence post to eat.

Three SEO's were in view from the road bridge. Two flew over the road to the north side to hunt and a third stayed on Greenabella Marsh.

Twite x11 were in the samphire coming onto the embankment for grit.

Amazing shots as always Ian,which is Greatham Creek,is that the place just north of the bus stop hide Avocet viewpoint ?.

Amazing shots as always Ian,which is Greatham Creek,is that the place just north of the bus stop hide Avocet viewpoint ?.


Hi Bob,

Yes the Creek is exactly where you describe. The SEO photos were taken from the cut off road north side of the bridge. The Owls can usually be viewed from there though it's hit and miss as to how close the hunt.

The Barn Owls have been hunting in the field opposite the Greatham Creek car park entrance often coming quite close to the main road.
Heres a link for the semi-resident Redpoll watchers at Rainton

http://birdingfrontiers.com/2011/01/19/trapped-arctic-redpolls-from-1995-1996/ ...

Thanks Steve. Martin has been sent a link to a gallery of the Rainton birds. It'll be great to have a new pair of eyes on some of the problematic birds - it's been a case of perhaps not being able to see the wood for the trees at times.
Plenty of Redpolls still in the area later yesterday afternoon, with 3 of the regular Arctics putting in an appearance.

Thanks Steve. Martin has been sent a link to a gallery of the Rainton birds. It'll be great to have a new pair of eyes on some of the problematic birds - it's been a case of perhaps not being able to see the wood for the trees at times.
Plenty of Redpolls still in the area later yesterday afternoon, with 3 of the regular Arctics putting in an appearance.


What is did notice yesterday when I looked at that photo is the pinkish flush present, not dissimilar to the 1st winter bird at Rainton. I am tempted to go for a few hours tomorrow and try and get some better videos or maybe see that snowball.

Good to hear Martin G can have a look at thoose pics, it's been such a learning curve for me.
Hardwick Hall

Quick Lunchtime visit to Hardwick Hall a lot of the lake still frozen but a nice selection of Mallard,Teal, Pochard,Widgeon and Tufties around.I had no time to look around the woods,feeding station usual Chaffinch Nuthatch Tits and Dunnock


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Cowpen Bewley Woodland Park - am - RN Duck, Goldeneye x3, Pochard x7, Heron x2, GSW x1, Sparrowhawk x2, Kestrel, LTT x3 all on/around main lake. Little Egret on Cow Bridge Beck.

Seaton Snook - BN Grebe giving close views in Seaton Chanel beside power station field. Linnet flock c.30 feeding amongst feet of the hroses on the power station field. RB Merganser x6 and Cormorant x2 in the channel, very few waders to be seen - Redshank, Knot, Oystercatcher.

Greatham Creek - Barn Owl didn't appear until 3.00pm. Seems to be roosting in the large concrete block house. Also seen by the wood Sparrowhawk hunting Redwing flock, Kestrel, GSW, Curlew c.50 plus a fox.


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A few more photos from today -


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I was thinking of coming down to RM tomorrow. Wondering if you Redpoll experts down there could tell me if morning or afternoon would give the best me the best chance for seeing an Arctic. Cheers.
I was thinking of coming down to RM tomorrow. Wondering if you Redpoll experts down there could tell me if morning or afternoon would give the best me the best chance for seeing an Arctic. Cheers.

I'm no expert but I seem to have noticed that afternoon from about 1 is best. However if you can make it all day I would highly recommend it!

I've been watching them regularly for about 4+ weeks now and they can come whenever they like during the day, not really loyal to any time. But 1 bird is pretty local to the silver feeder - good news:eek!:
I'm no expert but I seem to have noticed that afternoon from about 1 is best. However if you can make it all day I would highly recommend it!

I've been watching them regularly for about 4+ weeks now and they can come whenever they like during the day, not really loyal to any time. But 1 bird is pretty local to the silver feeder - good news:eek!:[/QUOT

Thought I had time to play with tomorrow but now looks like 11am 'till 1pm will have to do, so fingers crossed. Thanks alot for reply though. Not sure where silver feeder is but I've been to the freezer before when I was lucky enough to see the Bittern 5 mins before I had to leave, so will go there and ask someone.Cheers.
Thought I had time to play with tomorrow but now looks like 11am 'till 1pm will have to do, so fingers crossed. Thanks alot for reply though. Not sure where silver feeder is but I've been to the freezer before when I was lucky enough to see the Bittern 5 mins before I had to leave, so will go there and ask someone.Cheers.

Steve's link doesn't work for me. So just in case it doesn't work for you either:
- Park in the visitor centre car park
- You will see a large hill with a footpath up it
- Go up this hill to the summit
- Pass a stone wall on the hill
- Look to your right in the plantation and look in the top left (when facing) of the plantation and you will see the mini feeding station.

Stand here and hopefully you will see 1 of at least 3 Coues' Arctic Redpolls:t:

If you can't find where to go just go into the visitor centre and knock on the receptionists door and they will tell you where to go.:t:
Had a quick look over to Brasside a couple of days ago, light was bad but got a few photos of the whooper swan.


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Well, had a great day at Rainham, enjoyed meeting mark and Super-sillu-um. Left at 3pm got back 7.30pm.

Just trying to work out which Arctics I saw except bird 3 which showed very well. Also saw Bird 4 and at the start (as soon as i got there) one with a raised big white rump which looked a bit like bird 2!

Then additionally there was one with a clear white rump that had a subtle pink wash to breast and lower down on underparts . So potentially 4 Arctic Redpolls seen!

Really enjoyed my day! But i am knackered now!
Well, had a great day at Rainham, enjoyed meeting mark and Super-sillu-um. Left at 3pm got back 7.30pm.

Just trying to work out which Arctics I saw except bird 3 which showed very well. Also saw Bird 4 and at the start (as soon as i got there) one with a raised big white rump which looked a bit like bird 2!

Then additionally there was one with a clear white rump that had a subtle pink wash to breast and lower down on underparts . So potentially 4 Arctic Redpolls seen!

Really enjoyed my day! But i am knackered now!

Your knackered alright mate because you didn't go to Rainham you went to Rainton, also it appears you didn't enjoy meeting me ;):-O

Did I miss much after I had left?
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