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Tamron 200-500 non auto lens. (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
United Kingdom
I have an old Tamron 200-500 zoom lens not auto focus. It is collecting dust as I sold all my beloved SLR gear many moons ago. Before I dispose of this heavy but good condition lens I was wondering if anybody not to far from Leeds could find a use for it. All you have to do is pick it up as I'm not posting it.
Could you not trade it or sell it on commission at somewhere like ffordes if nobody takes you up on your offer?

They collect for about £15 and deduct it from the sale price.
If it's Tamron then I am guessing it takes the "Adaptall" mount that they used: in effect the lens is blank and you fit whatever mount you need for the system you use. Mounts are sometimes hard to come by nowadays, especially in some of the less common fittings, but they are out there.
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