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AVG 8.0 free and unfree (1 Viewer)

Katy Penland

Well-known member
Hi all,

Figuring upgrading and paying for the latest AVG was a good thing, I bought the 8.0 (whatever the latest build was) and have had nothing but problems since. Tech Support doesn't answer emails except in the vaguest of form-letter terms. If I could go back to the free 7x version, I would in a heartbeat.

It's the "update manager" that is in a constant error state ("disabled") and can't be enabled from AVG's control center on my PC which means that the virus database can't be updated, automatic scans can't be done, and there's a little red exclamation point over my system tray icon. Oh, and another icon appeared at the same time: the "local area connection" symbol has a red x over it even though I'm not on a LAN of any kind.

The third form letter I received told me to change my Win2000-based FAT32 volume to NTFS, but instead of telling me how to do this, they provided a link to Microsoft's site, where the FATx to NTFS conversion only applies to XP systems.

I'm going bald with frustration. ;) Anybody have any advice (re: AVG, not my hair)? Beaucoup thanks!
Keep the Pro! Has the "web shields"!!!

Hi all,

Figuring upgrading and paying for the latest AVG was a good thing, I bought the 8.0 (whatever the latest build was) and have had nothing but problems since. Tech Support doesn't answer emails except in the vaguest of form-letter terms. If I could go back to the free 7x version, I would in a heartbeat.

It's the "update manager" that is in a constant error state ("disabled") and can't be enabled from AVG's control center on my PC which means that the virus database can't be updated, automatic scans can't be done, and there's a little red exclamation point over my system tray icon. Oh, and another icon appeared at the same time: the "local area connection" symbol has a red x over it even though I'm not on a LAN of any kind.

The third form letter I received told me to change my Win2000-based FAT32 volume to NTFS, but instead of telling me how to do this, they provided a link to Microsoft's site, where the FATx to NTFS conversion only applies to XP systems.

I'm going bald with frustration. ;) Anybody have any advice (re: AVG, not my hair)? Beaucoup thanks!

1. Right click the icon in the startup menu ... "open AVG interface"

2. At the TOP; click Tools/Advanced Settings/

3. In the left hand "folder tree" ... click on "update" ... THEN in the right hand screen ... put the green ball in the "update immediately" AND "complete at next computer restart" [unless you happen to like restarting your computer after every update; they didn't use to do this but recently it has been doing this too often in my books] ... ALSO a check in the "additional update options" box is a helpful thing.

THEN ... in the left hand tree under Update, click Proxy ... and unless you're using a proxy ... use the drop down arrow to pick "don't use proxy" ... if you are using a proxy, pick one of the other options and/or manually tell it which one to use, etc. Then back to the folder tree; click on the "dial-up" and make sure that is either ticked or not according to your situation. Then back to the folder tree and click on the URL and make sure that there are tick marks in their server boxes so it knows where to go to look for updates. (some people/businesses have a different way of updating their computers)

Now, go up in the folder tree to "resident shield" and UNLESS you're burning movies or something and are offline; "enable Resident Shield" or yes it'll give an exclamation mark meaning it is "unhappy" with your choice. This is the "malware/anti-trojan" portion of the package deal designed to protect your computer esp. while you're connected to the internet. You can pick and choose exactly what you want it to do or not. Then under the "advanced settings" of the Resident Shield are a couple more options ... unless you know what you're doing, I wouldn't recommend "touching" that long list of extensions! As files without extensions are suspect, that's a good one to leave ticked. Then over in the "Exceptions" arena is the place for placing any information for the files/exes/etc that you want it to ignore the actions of. This is where the "paid for" version is nice to have. If AVG pro is calling one of your good programs a virus or whatever; you can report that now to AVG and they will correct the matter in following updates!

Now, go up to the E-mail Scanner and click your choice for whether or not to scan incoming and/or outgoing emails. At least have it to scan incoming! Then check out the "certification" and "mail filtering" options you want.

Now, go up to the "Scheduled scan" under "Schedules" and "enable this task" [or you'll get one of those exclamation marks again] ... and then pick "something" in the schedule running field. If you want it to run by triggering it manually (at least once a week is recommended) ... pick the "run at specific time" and then pick a time when the computer is turned off and do not check the "run on computer startup if task has been missed". Then for the "how to scan" and "what to scan" tabs ... your computer, your call. If you like to run a full scan and then want the computer turned off ... that's under the "additional scan settings" and it works!

Then, under the "virus database update schedule" ... "enable this task" [or you'll get one of those exclamation marks again] ... it's your call when you want it to try.
Same goes with the "Program update schedule" ... "enable this task" [or you know ... !]

Then up to the "Web Shield" ... check enable (this can also be enabled or disabled at will via the toolbar) ... and also check enable for the instant messaging even if you don't have it;-)

On each page where you've made changes ... also click the "apply" button at the bottom before moving on.

And I don't know I feel I may have forgotten something here ... but hopefully this will help get everything going for you without those exclamation marks!

If you click on the "update now" bar; AVG will immediately look for updates and seek your go ahead before downloading and installing them ... and this is how/when to see that lovely green progress bar in action! When we update from the icon in the start up menu we don't get the progress bar but it is working. It still seeks your go ahead for downloading/installing updates and/or it'll pop up a message saying that there were none available.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for the long reply, Catherine. I really appreciate the time it took for you to respond. Unfortunately, I'd already done all of that "enabling" and "applying" stuff -- twice, in fact -- but it doesn't "take." I've also uninstalled and re-installed twice, again without effect.

The last email I got from AVG's Tech Support people, which read like a canned answer from a book of FAQ responses, told me to change my FAT32 to NTFS! Without any warning to (1) back-up all my data beforehand because (2) it reformats the HD!!!! There is also no info I can find on AVG's site that even mentions 8.0 upgrades require a conversion from FAT32 to NTFS.

They also referred me to a Microsoft link that has to do with converting XP FAT32s to NTFS. Which, of course, is meaningless on my Win2000Pro OS.

So unless you or someone else here on the forum knows anything further about this upgrade, I'm just going to can AVG altogether, demand a refund, and go buy something else. It doesn't help that all the techies are in the Czech Republic and don't write fluent enough English to answer my specific technical questions. Very disappointing turn of events at AVG.

Thanks again for trying. I really do appreciate it! :t:
Converting Fat32 to NTFS is pretty easy and I`ve done it lots of times.

I do advise backing up your data, but don`t envisage and real problems.

See HERE for info on how to do the conversion.

Regards Howard.
They also referred me to a Microsoft link that has to do with converting XP FAT32s to NTFS. Which, of course, is meaningless on my Win2000Pro OS

The update is easy, you use a utility called convert that is run from the Windows 2000 CLI (Command line). The conversion is the same for XP.

1. Select Run from your Start Menu, type CMD in the run entry field. This will launch the command line.
2. Type into the command window CONVERT C: /FS:NTFS and press your enter key, the system will ask you if you want to continue, type Y, for Yes and enter. The C: after convert makes the assumption your system drive letter is C, it usually is.
3. Sit and wait for convert to finish do not interupt the process, after restart your filesystem will now be NTFS.
Thanks, Howard and petectid, and apologies for the delay in answering.

My biggest concern isn't that it's not easy, it's that AVG doesn't give any clue on their site for this volume change being necessary before downloading the upgrade and overwriting the older program. Can I then assume that all my legacy data and programs will be unaffected and will run as before? (Definitely will do a back-up before proceeding; I b/u every month anyway.) Do you both use AVG 8.0 and have had no problems? (once you changed volumes, that is)

Sorry to keep beating this ol' dead horse ;) but I just want to make sure all my ducks are lined up before making this change, which can't be undone once done.

Thanks again for the advice!
AVG 8.0 is a huge rewrite and the developers admit there are teething problems. Given that, it's a bit unfortunate that they've apparently nagged almost everyone into upgrading at once. Expect support is snowed under.
Trust you'd be able to get it working if you do decide to go for it though personally I'd rather leave early adopting to enthusiasts and experts. In fact I'd wait longer to determine whether the new version, when working as intended, is a hit or a miss with its users.
7.5 will have updates until end of year if you are able to get back to it (and if you can stand the nagging to upgrade). Avast! is an alternative freebie.
I upgrade to the free version of AVG 8.0 without any problems. However, I let it scan the computer and it took over six hours! No viruses found.

One issue I have with AVG 8 is the Search-Shield feature, adding icons to search results. I've found it slows down page load and has crashed Firefox on a couple of occasions. You can of course switch it off but the downside is that it then shows a warning icon in the task bar so that if there is a "real" warning that could be missed.

Apart from that I like the new interface and haven't had any other problems.
I upgrade to the free version of AVG 8.0 without any problems. However, I let it scan the computer and it took over six hours! No viruses found.


It's also, for some reason, at least three times bigger in terms of the download size, than 7.5. MY scan took 2 and a half hours, and found one 'threat', which was the unfortunately-named, but I'm told harmless, 'Terminator 3.exe' from HP.

Hi All,
I downloaded the free version a few days ago without any problems. The scan takes a little over 2 hours. Previously, 7.5 would take app. one and a half hours. I like this new version better, as it appears to have more features (toolbar tools, etc.). The additional scan time doesn't bother me, as I try to run the scan at the end of the day, when my computer is idle.
My coputer:
SONY VAIO model A VGN-A290 laptop (about 4.5 yrs old)
100Gig HD
1Gig RAM
Windows XP Home Version
Internet Explorer (latest version)
Server: (broadband/cable)

Best wishes to all.
AVG 8 Free & You Tube!

Hi guys,

I downloaded AVG 8 free version last week & since then have been unable to view videos on You Tube & BBC. I've tried all the advice offered on the help pages on You Tube without success, anybody got any ideas??


Hi guys,

I downloaded AVG 8 free version last week & since then have been unable to view videos on You Tube & BBC. I've tried all the advice offered on the help pages on You Tube without success, anybody got any ideas??



I thought I had the same problem last night, unable to view Goshawk webcam. However this morning all is working fine. I to just upgraded to version 8. Everything seems to be working at present.
The FREE AVG 7.5 apparently will end on 31 May 2008 and no more auto updates will be available.

Downloaded the new FREE AVG 8 just now without too many glips.

Just a note that might help ease installation with existing FF users with AVG 7.5/Spyware (XP):

1. Uninstall any other antivirus programs (eg. other than AVG's, I had Avast! too on my computer) as it won't install if another is running then REBOOT to remove any existing files

2. Download to received files first, having selected which features you want. I just chose the Antivirus (if you want to keep FF don't select the 'safe browser' or Firewall feature)

3. From received files, create shortcut for the 8.0 to desktop

4. Reboot then click on desktop icon

The installation process will give several options that might be of interest:

1. AVG 7.5 will automatically be uninstalled with installation of 8.0 (an option to do this comes during installation

2. For users with AVG Spyware: This comes with new 8.0 in one package, so will also uninstall your existing one, giving you that option in the installation process

3. For FF users: An option comes up to install a 'Security Browser' with the new AVG 8.0
- I chose not to install, as FF is an excellent security browser.

4. A warning then comes up: 'BHO' (browser help) changes detected with IE - since I have FF, I assumed this was the FF change I made some time ago from IE to FireFox, so did not use the 'CHANGE' option, ignored it and moved to 'next'

5. Registration did not work - so just closed the registration box and moved on!

6. Installation was 'successful' HOWEVER: RED ALERTS up on new AVG 8 interface. I then had to manually UPDATE both the new AVG virus database (which merges old files with the new ones) AND the AVG Spyware AFTER the installation was completed (just click on the new icon and go into 'status' then 'update'.)

Everything running fine including FF firewall and browser add-ons!
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