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First attempt at Drawing and Painting Birds (2 Viewers)

you've got a hell of a lot of good stuff out of sketching these starlings, they're a bird with so much character that i have great trouble sketching them, you've done yourself proud! Now, perhaps once your paints get to you we'll be treated to some starlings??!!
Great sketches Zac. The one with its beak stuck in the ground is brilliant.
Maybe this could be your first painting.
Hell yes nick. I agree with you , Starlings are a nightmare to sketch convincingly
but Zac you've done a great job there.

going from strength to strength young man ;)

Oh and I'm honoured you've adopted the eye thing. Did'nt even
notice I did that really, although I think its a nod in the
direction of Reid Henry's line work.
Thanks everyone. I'm going to try and add more character to birds faces, as at the moment, they appear to have a blank expression!

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Zac, I reckon starlings are great birds to sketch, they always seem so angular to me you can almost draw them with straight lines! Good work and keep 'em coming.

Hi Everyone.
I've just started my first Painting (technically I had some help off my Grandma with the Kingfisher, but mostly me!) I have decided to go for the Black winged Stilt for my first, with the painting inc. Avocet and young.
I am currently not entirely happy, although I am comparing it to people like Nick and Arthur etc so It may be pretty good! I'll post it when finished!
Well Everyone - Here it is...my first completely made up (ofcourse not markings etc!) painting. it's not fantastic, but it's a start!!!

Hope you like!

(please feel comfortable to be critiques!)



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P.S. the actual painting isn't as lavender at it appears, just a strange scan!

Well Everyone - Here it is...my first completely made up (ofcourse not markings etc!) painting. it's not fantastic, but it's a start!!!

Hope you like!

(please feel comfortable to be critiques!)


Hi Zac

What you have said about the scan is fine from here. Personally, I cannot see anything wrong with your painting at all. :t:

All in all, your painting is super. I love the tones, and the use of colour that you have used. 100 per cent from me :t:

Carry on doing what you are doing, and show us more here.:-O
Agree, this is an excellent start, as others have mentioned, the tones are great, the composition is solid. A richly coloured warm scene. Now that you've started your journey of making pictures, the sketching becomes even more important, when you're sketching, try to look for the pictures you want to create, sketch bits of background, the area round the bird, make notes of colour, where the light and wind are coming from and what it's doing to your subjects. There'll be no stopping you! Looking forward to the next one with eager anticipation.
This is a great start to your painting career. I love the colours and the birds are very well done. Keep at it and most of all enjoy your painting.
I'm afraid I havn't done justice to such a fantastic bird here. The colours are too bold, so therefore the bird does not look realistic...how can I overcome this?

Here's two photo's , which one is the better one?


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maybe it's my eyes Zac but they both look almost the same?

Anyway, as you know, I'm not personally too hung up on realism (fortunately for my lack of skill!!), and not shy of bold colours, so I actually rather like this painting. I think the colours overall work really well together with those muted greens and greys, the 'orange' is a wonderful and needed splash of colour.

I'm sure some of the experienced artists will give you some advice re: getting it more 'realistic' as this takes a little more skill in mixing paint, lighting effects on colour, tonal contrasts etc etc. and they'd be better placed to advise you.

My vote is leave it as it is - it's only the second one in what I am sure will be a long line of many paintings. Another step on the artistic voyage for you!!
I finished this one as a Manx Shearwater, but was unhappy so changed it to Sooty.
I tried to create a North Sea esque Storm that appears quite atmospheric. I would like to learn how to paint propely though!



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