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Garden / Yard List 2017 (2 Viewers)

I have slowly crept up to 35:-
32 - Cormorant - 10.02.17
33 - Greenfinch - 18.02.17
34 - Sparrowhawk - 26.02.17
35 - Little Egret - 15.03.17

All the best
Pottering around on the edge of snow, Tree Pipit. Doesn't feel much of a welcome for this fellow!

81 Tree Pipit
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Very common bird, but first I've seen in our complex. Pitiful when even the most common of Southern Cal birds is such a thrill!;)
26. California Towhee
And another!
27. Hooded Oriole (I had seen one in Leisure World, but not from my house.)
Wow! Amy (I remembered), the summer comes there really fast! :eek!: Here has been a few days 10 C degrees, at the best.

*I'm not sure this is proper English word. |>|
We are back down to around 8C now, just a one off heatwave day....the regular 20C + days will be late May and onwards I should think.
Cronking is a perfect word!

Some more additions here over the last week:

35. Hermit Thrush (heard regularly, haven't caught a glimpse yet).
36. Purple Finch
37. Fox Sparrow
38. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
39. White-throated sparrow
40. Northern Harrier (had to get help in the ID forums, a surprise here)
41. Broad-winged Hawk
42. Red-tailed Hawk (very late this year, seen frequently on walks from home!)
43. Northern Flicker

All our spring/summer woodpeckers are back now, I had my first 5 woodpecker day of the year earlier in the week, waiting for it to happen in the garden now too.
Three new garden first-timers at the Easter weekend.

#30. Skylark - in full song flight.
#31. Redwing - only by voice.
#32. Song Thrush - as above.

I don't remember never seen this much Redwings, Song Thrushes, Fielfares and Robins at the Southcoast of Finland. Those never ending Northwinds must keep them stand. Now allmost a week without new yeartick! :eek!:
Those never ending Northwinds must keep them stand. Now allmost a week without new yeartick! :eek!:

So it's you sending me those north winds Wari, thankyou - not :-C
It is now TWO weeks since my last new bird for the year here, currently on eight species fewer than at the same date last year, though as Dan suggested up thread, the topography here is very different from our last place, even though our altitude is roughly the same.
Hopefully the winds will turn at the weekend so those Swallows will finally come back, they would not have appreciated yesterday's snow flurries!
So it's you sending me those north winds Wari, thankyou - not :-C


Some birds have great difficulty finding their food when the beaches and fields are frozen. I have a couple Common Gulls in my garden and they eating sunflower seeds from the ground. And looks like they don't like Magpies...
At the other day, one nature photographer put interesting photos on FB, where Black-headed Gulls steal worms right from Curlews beaks. And the photographer have seen they do it also for Lapwings. Indeed, it would not do much harm, but because the ground is melt only in the afternoon, there is a chance to find food only a few hours a day.

OK - Right now it seems that weather will be change a little bit warmer. It have been raining last night and the temperature was +1 Celsius.
We are back down to around 8C now, just a one off heatwave day....the regular 20C + days will be late May and onwards I should think.
Cronking is a perfect word!

Some more additions here over the last week:

35. Hermit Thrush (heard regularly, haven't caught a glimpse yet).
36. Purple Finch
37. Fox Sparrow
38. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
39. White-throated sparrow
40. Northern Harrier (had to get help in the ID forums, a surprise here)
41. Broad-winged Hawk
42. Red-tailed Hawk (very late this year, seen frequently on walks from home!)
43. Northern Flicker

All our spring/summer woodpeckers are back now, I had my first 5 woodpecker day of the year earlier in the week, waiting for it to happen in the garden now too.

I assume that you are too far North for Cerulean Warbler Amy?....that's my big "must have".....perhaps one day. :t:
We've been having very strong ESEasterlies for over 24 hours here in the Algarve - set to go on for a day more. This is pretty unusual for here - a strong prolonged easterly blow that is. Hoping for one or two passerine passage migrants but all vegetation is very violently shaking at the moment.

Anyway, put the scope up on the terrace and on the sea at reasonable range near the shore were 3 ad. and 1 or 2 2nd cal yr Audouin's Gulls. These are my first for home - nice posh tick! It should be a scarce fly by - just not seen one till now from home. Obviously these strong winds brought them inshore.

58. Audouin's Gull
I assume that you are too far North for Cerulean Warbler Amy?....that's my big "must have".....perhaps one day. :t:

Yes, but only just! I believe there was one seen in Ottawa last year (~30km), and they breed a little south of that. My birding friend and I are hoping to have a little road trip later in the spring and they are high on the list of hopefuls. Beautiful birds.
So it's you sending me those north winds Wari, thankyou - not

Had a good layer of snow a few days ago, yesterday was back up to 5 C and good sun, bringing Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock, today is just yuk (remembering it was 25 C three weeks ago!).

In sun yesterday, many drumming woodpeckers, two White-backed Woodpeckers amongst them and a fine Lesser Spotted Woodpecker - which was new for the year (didn't have on my winter feeders this year).

82. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
Ooh de lally, Warbler season has arrived!
43 Pine Warbler, very accommodating, the only warbler we get that makes use of the feeders. Ended up with 19 warbler species last year, interested to see what this year holds.

Also realized that my red-tailed hawk the other day was a brand new bird for my garden list, very surprising. I see them regularly in the area, wondering if I've just taken it for granted previously that I had them down already! Anyhow, takes me to 93 for the garden overall.
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