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Info on Scotland & Hebs needed... (1 Viewer)

will bowell

Will the wandering birder
Hi all,
I shall be in Scotland for a week at the end of this month/beginning of next and I am hoping to connect with all of the regular species.

Plan is to hit the Speyside area, west coast and then all of the outer hebs. Any ideas about where to see the following would be most appreciated:-

Scotish and Parrot Crossbill- where is good this year?
Golden & White-tailed Eagles.
Caper- where away from Loch Garten (will be visiting, but just in case...)?
Red Grouse

Thanks in advance,
Ah.... I said I'd send you some details on this lot, didn't I?! I'll send a PM in the next few days, since we basically cleaned up last week and have some sites that might help, both on Speyside and the Hebs. A few photos (and eventually, a trip report) are on the blog, link below.
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