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PLEASE - put your geographic location in your post title! (1 Viewer)

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Terry O'Nolley

Cow-headed Jaybird
I know this will be deleted, but I just get so weary of seeing titles like "ID HELP PLEASE".

I click the link and it is a question about a bird seen on the steppes of outer Mongolia.

I have no idea how to identify Mongolian birds so I couldn't be a help. So I roll my eyes and hit my back button.

Please follow the forum instructions and include your location in your post title!

Thank you.
How not to agree. I think there is even a sticky to this effect somewhere. For those of us that normally check the new uploads for ID and taxonomy it is particularly annoying. So, I will often just skip them unless I can figure out a probable location from where the user supposedly lives - but this does not always work - sometimes you would need a crystal ball to understand if the photo could have been taken on some birding trip somewhere else.
Totally agree. I really like to follow ID discussions that are relevant to me (and that does include outer Mongolia:)))), but there are regions that have little interest to me, would be nice to know that before opening the post.
Even worse is when I hover my mouse over the topic to see if the location is mentioned in the post itself and it isn't.

More people will certainly look at threads relevant to their location instead of passing it by - so please put the location in the title!!!
OTOH, what about the rarity (for that location) that someone from outside the area would recognise instantly. ;)
Please & Thank You

Many times I have thought about just asking people to say "Please" in their thread title and "thank you" in their thread. Wish I had a lifer every time that didn't happen, I would have seen most birds in the world by now! Sad the way folk just expect!

If this isn't a sticky, it ought to be! haha.

Of course I thought of this when I first came to the forum, without reading anything about a rule about it.
Just seemed natural to me that I should want to attract people who are familiar with birds in the particular area to my thread about it.
I'm lucky if I can identify the birds in my area that I've probably seen my whole life, let alone birds on another continent with a drastically different climate.
Yup: this thread should be a sticky. (And I normally hate sticky threads - so that's saying something.)
There already is a sticky about this. Just proves how many people take notice of stickies...;)
Of course, some people asking for ID's just don't realise there are different birds in different parts of the world.

What I don't understand is that some people answering queries don't realise this either!
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